50 Emergencies

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Claire's POV:

"Okay I got the milk,apples,carrots,meat,lettus what else I'm missing?" I thought as I looked at the groccery list. "Eggs,tomatoes,and mayo."

I went to the different aisles and bought what's left on the list and headed to the cashier to pay,after scanning the list one more time just incase I'm missing out something.

"Keep the change." I told the boy on the cashier before taking my bags. I exited the supermarket and headed to my car. It was a really long day in the hospital and I just can't wait to go back home and see Adam.

I was about to start the car when my phone buzzed.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Doctor Houston,we have an emergency and we need you at the hospital fast!"

"I'm coming right over." I quickly hung up and drove to the hospital.

When I finally arrived,Luca told me what was happening. I wore the white coat and headed to the emergency room,where I saw a man soaked in blood. Apparently,there was an accident in a construction area. This is worker had been severly injured.

Luca and I,along with other nurses,began working. His chest cage was broken and he was loosing a lot of blood. Another doctor joined us during the surgery.

After four hours of working,we managed to bring the patient's status to stable.

I took my clothes and removed the now blood-soaked gloves and headed to the bathroom where I washed my faced. I breathed and looked at the mirror,we almost lost him. That thought was enough to get me all stressed up.

"You did a great job out there, doc."

I turned my head to find Luca was washing his face.

"I did what I was suppose to do." I spoke dryly and went to wash my hands again.

"You seem nervous,a nice cup of tea should calm you down."

I pulled out some tissues and focused on breathing. He's just an assistant,he won't harm you. Being alone with a man,gives me anxiety and it's now taking over my thoughts. Just breathe Claire. He won't hurt you. No! He's a man of course he will!

I wiped the water,that was now mixing up with sweat,off my face with the tissue as quick as possible to get out of here. My hands were trembling and I felt as if I was suffocating and getting a bit dizzy. I got used to this since it happens everytime I'm alone with a guy.

"Doctor Houston?" a muffed voice brought me back to reality just as his hand on my skin. "Are you alright?" Luca asked.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled and moved away from him. He removed his hands quickly and looked me surprised.

"I'm,I'm sorry I didn't mean to,it's just you didn't answer when I asked you if you'd like to have tea with me." Luca apologized nervously.

"That isn't an excuse for you to touch me!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

I inhaled deeply which was a bad idea because me ribs hurt as hell.

"Listen," I spoke calmly but I was boiling inside. "Keep things between you and me formal and never ever touch me again,got it?"

Luca nodded his head slowly.

"Good. Now if you'd excuse me."

He moved away so I can walk out the door and I instantly felt more relaxed.

After heading to my car,I began driving back home.

Angela's POV:

I held my phone and dialed the familiar number and waited for her to answer.

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