29 Something Doesn't Feel Right

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"Well I'm off now,bye Dennis."

"Bye Miss Morr." she said smiling creeply,at me,while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Please stop doing that."

"Doing what?" she asked,again,wiggling her eyebrows.

"The dancing eyebrow thingy."

"I don't know what you're talking about." and then Dennis walked away with some papers in her hand. The elevator got me to the lobby which had people going inside the company and out.

I got inside my car and realized that I was running low on gas,so I went to a gas station to fill up. When I was done I turned on the engines and drove away then stopped at the traffic sign because it was red. I rested my head on the seat and then twisted it towards the window.

The end is near

A guy was holding a sign in his hands that read this,I can't believe people are still doing this,the lights finally turned green.


"Where are you going?" I asked Claire.

"To the beach, Nathan wanted to go there since school ended and I was busy the whole time but now I promised to take him." she answered picking up her bag and putting on the beach hat.

"Did things go well at the hospital?"

"Yeah I managed to get someone to fill in for me."

"That's good."

"Do you want to come with us?"

"No,I'm tired and want to rest."

"Okay then,we're going now,take care," Claire said and walked out of her bedroom. "Nate!" she called her son which quickly appeared and looked excited.

"We're going to the beach!" her son cheered.

"Have fun and be careful." I smiled.

"Come on buddy let's go," Claire said. "Bye."



They went downstairs and I heard as the door closed. I sighed tiredly and then went to my bedroom to take a shower.

It's been four days and I still haven't gave Dylan an answer,he isn't stressing the subject but I know he wants an answer fast,but I just can't. I don't know why but I feel like I'm not ready to be in a relationship with him and I feel bad for making him wait for me. I wish I could just walk to him and say that I love him so much and I need him in my life,but I'm just...afraid.

Why am I such a coward? I haven't even dared to tell Claire that Lewis Hunter is really Dylan.

Flashback (four days ago):

"Claire,I need to tell you something." I said. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out,do I tell her now? Or should I wait? But she can help. Come on Angelica she's been your best friend more like your sister,tell her. But she's going through a lot now,work,Adam. I can't tell her now and add up to her stress.

"Anytime now Angy." she said.

"Ahh,yes. I have discovered something today." great now I'll lie.

"Which is?"

"Did you know that it's 'magic,mirror on the wall' and not mirror,mirror on the wall'?"


"The mirror from the Snowhite movie."


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