43 Please Be Okay

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"Come on Claire,answer already." I spoke as I heard for the seventeenth time this morning her voicemail. "Where are you?" I hung up.

Claire didn't come home,yesterday. I called the hospital to see in she decided to head directly to it but they said that they hadn't heard from her since Sunday morning when she called in to assure them that she's returning to work on Monday but today's Monday and she hasn't gone to work. I've been trying to call her since yesterday but she isn't picking up. I've already left her like ten voicemails.

I sighed as I rubbed my face. Nathan has been asking about his mother since the morning,I kept on telling him that she's going to come back once she's feeling better and thinking clearer and that she's alright. I could sense that he didn't believe me,entirely I don't blame him,I don't believe myself. I left Nate with Kathy and went to the company.

I dialed Claire's number again, I know that she's not going to pick up anytime soon but I still had some hope that she may answer this time. Another voicemail.

"Claire,please call me as soon as you get this. I'm really worried and so is Adam." I spoke and then hung up.

I sighed again. I hope she's okay,I honestly don't want anything bad to happen to her. I have no idea what will I do if something happens. Claire please be okay.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." I let out a breath.

The door opened and Dylan,dressed as Mr Hunter came in.

"Hey." he gave me a sympathatic smile.

"Hey." I greeted tiredly.

"Any news from Claire?"

"No,she isn't picking her phone and she hadn't come home yesterday."

"And how's Nathan?"

"He's acting like he's doing okay,but he's not. I can feel it."

"Claire will return,just give her time."

"I'm worried Dylan."

"I'm sure she's alright."

"But what if she's not?" my voice broke as I held my tears. Just the mere thought of losing her is breaking me down.

"No don't cry." he came to me and hugged me.

I closed my eyes as I burried my head in his chest trying hard not to cry.

"Listen,Claire is okay. Don't worry about her. If you want we can leave work and go search for her,she's probably in some hotel or something. You just say what you want me to do and I'll do it,I'll do anything to stop you from cry angel. Anything."

"Thank you." I sniffed and hugged him,a few tears escaping.

He held my face in his hands and looked at me.

"As long as I'm around I won't let anything make you cry or hurt you. I love you,angel." he spoke and wiped my tears away.

"Thank you,Dylan." I repeated and smiled sadly at him. He kissed my forehead and after making sure I was okay he left.

Claire please be okay.


Claire's POV:

I started the engines to my car and drove away from the mansion. My hands started to shake and tears were building up in my eyes everytime I hear Nathan's words in my head.

Why can't he understand that I'm doing all of this because I love him? Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I drove even farther. I was so mad at him at myself at everything. Nothing was going the right way and everything is falling down.

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