44 Thank You

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"Hello,how may I help you?" the lady smiled.

"Claire,where's Claire Houston's room?" I asked panicking."

The lady looked at the computer set beside her and typed on it.

Dylan and I had driven straight from Los Angeles to San Francisco,for hours.

"Ms Houston is in room one oh nine,second floor."

I hurried to the stairs because I had no time to wait the elevator. Dylan was right behind me as I reached the second floor and started searching for her room. When I finally found it,I quickly opened it and rushed inside. I saw Claire was laying in bed,eyes closed,with tubes and wires connected to her body and there was a doctor and two nurses beside her.

"Claire." my voice broke as I saw her.

"Are you a relative?" the doctor asked.

"I'm her friend," I answered and sniffed. "Is she okay?"

"Don't worry,she's okay. She only has two broken ribs and minor cuts on her body. Ms Houston should wake up the next half an hour or so."

I went to her bed and held her hand. I swallowed hard and wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

"Thank you doctor." Dylan said.

"No problem,we're only doing our job." the doctor answered and then left,the two nurses followed him out when they finished their work.

I sniffed again. I felt a hand on my shoulder which belonged to Dylan.

"Come on angel,don't cry. You heard what the doctor said;Claire's alright and she will wake up anytime now." he soothed.

I let out a breath,he's right,she's okay.

The next half an hour seemed like enternity to me. I had already drunk the hot cup of coffee Dylan brought me and Claire still didn't wake up.

I sat on the chair beside her bed because walking around the room won't help me. Dylan went to the bathroom,and I was the only one in the room with Claire. He never left my side since the moment I called him,I am so lucky to have him in my life.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" Dylan asked quietly. I didn't notice him when he came in.

"No,I'm good. Thank you." my voice came out hoarsed.

Just then we began hearing Claire's moans.

"Claire?" I asked holding her hand quickly.

She moaned again and then turned her head to my direction.
"Angy?" she asked weakly.

"Yes? Are you okay? Do you want me to bring you anything?" I asked.

She shook her head slowly.

"Where's Nate?" Claire asked.

"He's in LA."

"LA? Why? Where are we?" her voice was so low it was coming out as whispers.

"San Francisco."

"What?! Why did you leave him there?"

"Relax,he's with Kathy."

"I thought he doesn't want a nanny."

"I talked to him when you left,he didn't want to at first but eventually came around. He kept asking about you Claire,you got him so worried. You got all of us worried."

Claire began to cry. "I'm sorry." she said between her cries.

"It's okay,just don't do it again." I sniffed trying not to cry infront of her.

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