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Katsumi woke up and looked around for her mother. She looked in the kitchen, living room, even the bathroom but she was nowhere. The only place left to check was her bedroom.

Katsumi slowly opened the door and didn't see her mother but she saw a small chest, which had a key in it and was open on the bed. Next to it was a small book, and a note on top of it. Katsumi sat on the bed and picked up the note. The note read:

Hey honey. Yesterday I realized I needed to get out for a bit. Clear my head. I don't know when i'll be back. But I will be. I left you $1,000 and an emergency credit card in the chest. Just look inside. And if you really want to know the truth about your father, read my diary its the old book. I love you.

Katsumi sighed as she read the letter over and over. She glanced at the book a couple of times and hesitantly picked it up. She began to read inside of it.

Post #1

Dear Diary, i've decided it's best to write my feelings. I guess its best I start with who I am. I'm (name) (surname). I guess I should say whats been going on with my life. It all happened when I met him. HIM. Me and my mom were talking in the kitchen. She was talking about how her friend had a son my age (a bit older) and that he was 'cute' and 'single.' So basically she told me that she set us up at a coffee place to meet and talk. And so we did. But when I went there I saw something that was so... attracting about this boy. His dark dark eyes showed no emotion. Well they tried to. I saw a mix hint of emotions. Some I couldn't read. His eyes were mesmorizing and I felt like I was lost in them. The moment that I saw him I knew that was who my mother was talking about. I immidiatly placed my hand in front of him and stated my name. "H-H-Hi, i-i-i'm (name) (surname)." Then he grabbed my hand and shook it. "Itachi Uchiha," he said with no emotion. He had no emotion on his face. No anger, sadness, happiness, nothing. It saddened me a bit. After introducing ourselves we got ourselved a seat and talked about ourselves. I even got him to lighten up a bit and smile and laugh a few times. This man truly intrigued me and I couldn't wait to know more about him."

After reading that, Katsumi took a few breaths in and out. "Itachi.." she whispered. This was the man her mom fell for. This was her father. She felt a bit relieved to know who he was. But anger filled her as she realized this was the man that left her. And never even came back to meet her. She needed to know everything. So she kept on reading.

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