Fanfictions and More

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So, there are a few things that I want to write about, and the majority of them are about fanfiction. Let's go.

AU (aka Alternate Universe): Every time I see an author ranting about AUs and how the people in the story aren't famous, I just want to slap myself. In Alternate Universes, the celebrity is portrayed as a different person, whether they are famous or not. Sometimes they may be, but in fanfiction AUs, Harry Styles isn't going to be constantly on tours or being mobbed by millions of fans. Dan Howell isn't going to be constantly filming YouTube videos or drawing whiskers on his cheeks. (maybe the latter tho). In AUs, the celebs may be famous, but it's usually for a different industry. And most of the time, they are just normal people bc it's an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. This is really long, let's move along. (tee hee that rhymed)

Money: How do these characters have an infinite amount of money to spend on random shiz? And they don't even have a job that contributes to it? Like:

"Hey, Niall! I just bought a Bugatti even though I am a broke college student! So let's go and drink some Dom Pérignon champagne in my $20,000,000 dollar beach house to celebrate. Oh, let me get my iPhone 6s+ from my Prada bag and call Harry to see if he wants to come!" Okay, that was a little over exaggerated, but it is true.

Metaphorical Boyfriends: In fanfictions, the boyfriends are constantly trying to tell their model girlfriends (who think they are ugly) that they are beautiful, and they do it in the most poetic and visual ways. Like, no, throwing out my expensive makeup and overpriced curling iron won't make me feel more beautiful. It will make me mad. Or when they say things like, "Love, you are a beautiful painting, for I am just the white wall that you hang on." or "If love were blood, my body is circulating with it." Like no.

Adopted by ____: So, some of these stories are actually pretty good and they are really heart-tugging. But some are just inaccurate and wrong. First, if you are 18 or older, you can't be in foster care or at an adoption clinic or anyting. Second, falling in love with the person who adopts you is 1) illegal and 2) wrong in general.

Individuality: Not all girls wear makeup or care about having a boyfriend. Seriously, I don't give a crap.

Morning routines: Why must all these people wake up and have a perfect routine that is described in a college-worthy essay? Not everyone wakes up in 2 seconds, finds the perfect outfit, curls their hair into perfect ringlets, applies their makeup quickly and perfectly, yada yada yada. You get my point.

This is all, since I'm really tired and cooped up in a tiny closet bc my aunt's dog rEALLY hates me.

So thanks Arthur for chasing me into a closet.

Love ya pal.

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