At A Lullaby's Heart: For alphaflower

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At A Lullaby's Heart

For alphaflower


Hiccup is 19. You are 17.

Song is from a Cinderella movie


"Lavender's blue, dilly dilly, lavender's green.

"When I am king, dilly dilly, you shall be queen.

"Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?

"Twas my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so!"

"Bye, daddy!" You called, running alongside the carriage for as long as you could.

"Don't forget my dress, dad!" your oldest sister called.

"Or my purse!" your other sister called.

"Bye, daddy. Be safe! I love you!" You called, having to slow as the carriage sped up.

"Bye, baby girl! I love you, too!" your father called back.

You stood in the middle of the road as your father slowly went out of sight. You held your hands together, tightly, longing for the three months to go by quickly.

"(Y/ N)!" one of your sisters called. "Hurry back inside!"

"Alright!" you called, as cheerfully as you could. Slowly, you trudged back into the house.

*** Meanwhile ***

Your father, (F/N), spent many days by himself. He constantly longed to hold his youngest, (Y/N). But his family needed the money, so he had to finish the trip. No matter how long it took.

The trip was even better than he had hoped, and he made more than enough to spoil his family, especially his youngest, who appreciated spending time with her beloved father more than her greedy sisters.

Determined to return home early with his prize, he edged the horses (or whatever animal pulling the carriage filled with goods to trade) onward.

One day, after deciding to take a "haunted" shortcut, he stumbled upon a grand castle. It was magnificent, and how he wondered what creature might lie beyond the gate. Or whom, should I correct. His own curiosity made him pause and search for signs of life. Other than the beautiful garden with the occasional insect: none.

After spotting a (F/F) (favorite flower), he pushed the fence back and walked over to it. With a simple pluck!, he claimed the flower for himself. Admiring the beauty like he knew his youngest daughter would, he was startled when a firm grip threw him on his back.

"You dare ruin my property?" a young man roared.

"W- What? N- no-" (F/N) tried, holding his hands in front of him.

"Then why are you holding that?" the man accused, pointing at the beautiful flower in his hands.

"T- This? It's-"

"Shut up! I don't care for petty excuses," the man spat. He pulled out a dagger and pointed it at (F/N). "But I will kill you myself."

(F/N) scooted back, eager to escape death. "W- w- wait! Please! Don't kill me! I'll do anything! Anything, I swear!"

The man wasn't usually so quick to comply to such pathetic begging, but there was something he needed.

"Have you any daughters?"

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