Heard You Feel: For Immonkey119

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Heard You Feel

For Immonkey119


You are both 16



You studied furiously, simply because you were bored. It was lunch, and what else were you to do? You had finished your apple in less than ten minutes, shortly after the lunch bell rung. You were getting less than an A plus in physics, anyways. Studying would help fix that.

"What are you doing?" a familiar voice asked.

A second figure plopped down beside you. She leaned over to stare at your filled paper. "Math?"

"Physics," you corrected.

"Close enough," she passed.

"Not really. Though physics does include math, it-" the first figure, Fishlegs, was cut off.

"I'm honestly not interested. Unlike you two nerds, I have a life."

More people sat themselves down at your table. You drew in your shoulders and cowered over. You weren't a fan of people, though this specific group often tried to get close to you. You had been pushing them away for a year, so you didn't understand why they kept trying. By now, they had also learned to go behind your back to get what they want.

"Hey, (N/ N), we talked to your mom, and you're getting ice cream with us after school today," Ruffnut told you, randomly.

You frowned, thinking of the test you had to study for. You looked down at your notebook paper, and the others followed your gaze.

Tuffnut, Ruff's twin, slammed the book close. "No! No studying! Math bad!"

"It's physics," you corrected.

"Even worse!" he cried out, rolling his torso back and forth on the lunch table. You looked around, meeting only a few gazes before people returned to their original distractions. Everyone was used to this group's antics. Everyone but you.

"Please go away. I will accompany you for a treat after school, but I must be home before four of the clock," you replied, formally, as your father taught you.

"Nah uh, not so fast. Your mom said not to bring you home until at least six. The later the better," Hiccup smirked, sitting down next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. He was probably the one who asked your mom. She adored the entire group but him the most. He had quite the persuasive voice and spoke smoothly. And he had the charm to him, you'll admit.

You pushed his arm off. "Fine, but I must study-"

"Nope. We're dropping off all school stuff before we leave. No school talk, think, or work involved," ordered Snotlout.

You frowned. "But I must-"

"No buts about it, (N/ N)."

"Don't worry, I feel for you," Fishlegs cut in. While he was a nerd like you, he was used to voluntarily pushing school aside to hang out with his friends, so you somewhat doubted him.

You sighed. "I'll speak with my mom about this ordeal. I'll inform you of the agreement we reach after school."

"Great! Where do you want to go? Tommy's Place okay?" Astrid asked.

"I have yet to agree to going."

"But your mom won't let you get out of it, and you know it," she sang, cheerfully.

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