Blindsided: For kuramaslover123 and hiromysuperhero

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For: kuramaslover123 and hiromysuperhero

Your requests were literally the same, so yeah... I hope you enjoy!


You are 17. Hiccup is 18.

Brother- Sister One- Shot

Race To The Edge


"Look out!"

You grunted and dove out of the way. "Whoa!" You had to leap out of the way, again to avoid being killed. "That was a bit close."

Toothless hopped in front of Hiccup and roared in warning before preparing to fire. "Toothless, no!" Hiccup stopped, before Toothless shot at the seemingly pointless dragon. "We're trying to train it."

"And how in Valhalla are we supposed to train it if we can't even get close to it? Hmm, Hiccup?" you exclaimed.

Hiccup grimaced. "Well, I guess you can't blame it. The last humans it dealt with forced it to fight other dragons to the death."

"Hiccup, maybe we should make room for the possibility, that the Triple Stryke is just untrainable," Astrid hinted in a much calmer manner.

"We're making progress. If we could just find a way to get this guy on board have him fighting with us instead of against us."

"Astrid!" you yelled.

"Stormfly! Spine Shot!"

The Triple Stryke jumped just out of range and watched for an opening in your line of defense.

"Look, we've dealt with way worse," Hiccup pointed out.

"Snotlout doesn't count," Astrid dead planned.

"And neither do the twins," you added.

"Good one, Astrid, (N/N). I'll have to remember that."

"Fishlegs!" you cheered.

"What brings you to the Valley of Pain?" Astrid asked, sarcastically, as Stormfly fired at the Triple Stryke to keep it back.

He didn't waste any more time on pointless chatter. "Snotlout and the Twins just got back from patrol, and there are multiple storm fronts heading right for us. We need to lock down the Edge before they start to hit."

You agreed and hopped on (D/N). "Okay."

Hiccup sighed, but stepped back. "We're not done here."

"We are for now. Goodbye, Mr. Triple Stryke," you sung.


The storm came quickly, soaking you with rain and rattling the island from the pounding thunder, flashing the sky with lightning that was much closer than you'd like.

"Great," you muttered, sarcastically to yourself.

You caught Snotlout outside of his hut, standing on Hookfang with a large clothe in his hands.

"Snotlout, what are you doing?" Astrid questioned.

"Covering up my S! What does it look like I'm doing?" he barked back.

"You're supposed to be closing the dome and battening down the hatches."

"Hey, I'm not leaving the S hanging out in the wind."

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