What Do You Think?: For Immonkey119

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What Do You Think?

For Immonkey119


You are both 18 (Not Race To The Edge)


"Hey, (Y/ N)," greeted Hiccup.

You pointed to yourself, surprised he was talking to you. He nodded, and you waved a shy hello.

You often hung out with the gang. You did almost anything to stay away from home for as long as possible. Still, you never spoke, kept your opinions and secrets to yourself, and weren't sure if the others even considered you a friend. You barely considered them friends, and only because they were the closet thing besides (D/N) you had to friends.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out with something. My dad wants me to set up for another dragon race. Can you help me?"

You eagerly nodded.

"Great! Is this afternoon good?"

You thought it over for a moment before nodding slowly, as if unsure of yourself.

"You sure?"

You nodded, more confidently.

"Great. Thanks, (N/N)."

He walked off to the rest of the group, not noticing the confused look on your face. (N/N)? No one ever bothered to give you a nickname before. You smiled, deciding you rather liked it. And even better, your crush is the one who gave you the nickname!

You watched the clouds roll by, listening carelessly to the conversation of the group. Occasionally they broke off into two conversations, but always joined back into one. Rarely did they brake of into three conversations.

"What do you think, (N/N)?" asked Hiccup.

You blinked, lowering your gaze from the sky. You had zoned out for one minute, but you had no idea what they had been talking about.

You gave a weak smile and gave them a thumbs up.

Hiccup chuckled before informing, "How should we decorate this dragon race? What color banners and stuff? Should the sheep be painted as well?"

You gave them a confused smile and a thumbs up. You could care less, but didn't feel why it was important.

"You can speak, you know. I really want your opinion on this."

You just smiled politely. You weren't one for talking. At home it was forbidden, so you just got use to keeping your voice on mute.

"I thought she couldn't speak," Tuffnut admitted. "And I thought her name was (Y/ N)."

Hiccup sighed while you smiled. You honestly thought the twins and Snotlout didn't know your name. They never mentioned you, and the handful of times they did it was with the pronouns 'she' or 'her' and once 'that girl'. Yeah, some friends.

"(N/N), a nickname for (Y/ N)."

"No fair! I want a nickname!" he declared.

"You do have one, mutton head. You know how we call you Tuff but your name is Tuffnut. Yeah, Tuff is your nickname."

"Cool! I have a nickname!"

You let out a silent laugh.

"So, wait, you really can't speak?" asked Hiccup. "Didn't you speak when we were younger?"

You nodded while shrugging your shoulders.

"Hey, why don't you talk?" asked Ruff.

You shifted, uncomfortable with the change in topic.

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