It's Not Your Fault. Part 3: For hiromysuperhero

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It's Not Your Fault

Part 3

For hiromysuperhero


It has been a month since you lost your memory. Everyone had been overly concern, kind, and patient- for the most part- with you. Not minding when you asked a question with an obvious answer or didn't know something.

Hiccup though, he was the most concern, the sweetest, kindest, and most patient with you. Astrid being second. Hiccup, however, was a bit overprotective at times, especially near any well, or large body of water (anywhere you could drown).

He complimented you often, claiming it was a habit of his. He told you many things and always tried to get you to smile, which was often.

You learned that (D/N) was your dragon, but Astrid took care of her for the time being. Hiccup- being overprotective again- didn't want you going away from Berk without Astrid or himself. You didn't go anywhere without Hiccup and/ or Astrid.

Hiccup would often take you places he said you've been before, but no memories came back. People would tell you how you met them or the times you spent with them but once again, no memory came back.

Whenever you tried to do something dangerous, Hiccup would stop you, distracting with someone or something so it would hopefully leave your mind. Which led, you to sneaking out at three in the morning.

"Sorry, Hiccup," you whispered, almost inaudible. You set a pillow where you were lying, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell the difference in his sleep, and quietly slipped out the door.

You ran to Astrid's and found (D/N), who had woken to the sound of your footsteps. (D/N) perked up when she/ he saw you. It had been over a month since you last rode her, and she/ he missed you dearly. She/ he nudged you, demanding your attention.

You giggled quietly and petted him/ her. "Hey, girl/ boy. Let's go on a flight. That sound good?" (D/N) immediately allowed you on his/ her back and took off to the sky. You gave a small squeal and prayed to the Gods that no one heard that.

You flew over the ocean and leaned to the side. Your hand touched the freezing cold water as you flew farther from Berk. You made sure to keep Berk in sight, but you didn't want to wake anyone if they heard you scream or shout. Once you were done with the water, you had (D/N) fly up past the clouds.

(D/N) spun as she/ he flew up, as spun flying down, went in loops, and would catch you if you jumped or fell off. You often let out a yelp, squeal, carefree laugh, or scream- hoping it wasn't loud enough for someone to wake up. As far as you knew, no one woke up.

An hour before the sun started to rise, you went back home and found Hiccup's arm over the pillow that replaced you, snoring lightly. You carefully moved the pillow and returned to your spot, Hiccup's arm laying over you. This was how you normally slept. Hiccup claimed it made him feel better, that it helped him know that you "were safe" when he was sleeping. You snickered and then went back to sleep.

You snuck out every morning for two or three hours, returning before anyone woke up.

One morning, you jumped off (D/N) and waited to near the the ocean below before getting back on him/ her. You heard a dragon's wings coming towards you from the side, but passed it off as (D/N) coming to catch you early. You looked around to find (D/N) behind you, but before you could call for him/ her, two paws grabbed both of your arms.

"(D/N)!" you cried.

The dragon holding you threw you up and over him and it's rider grabbed your arm and guided you in front of him. You sat in the lap of the rider and looked up at him. Hiccup. And he was not happy.

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