Rule One: For crunchycat123 and seikon12

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Rule One

For crunchycat123 and seikon12



You are both 22.


"Oops, sorry," you apologized, unable to keep the smile off your face long enough to sound sincere. You hurriedly bent over to help collect his fallen papers.

The auburn haired boy smiled back. "You don't sound too sincere. Here, let me." He knelt down, helping you gather his stuff.

"I really am sorry," you insisted, standing back up after picking everything up. He humbly took back his stuff. "I'm just super excited about today!"

"You are?" he asked. "What's so exciting about today?"

"I am helping the lead actor in a movie learn the basics about guns."

He arched an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yup! Normally, an actor doesn't bother to learn about the little things, but this actor demanded to be taught at least the basics, since the character he's playing is an expert. I definitely admire his charisma."

"Do you?"

"Yup! Sorry, I'm rambling about myself. I didn't even ask about you. So, why are you here?"

He smirked, "I'm an actor in a movie."

"Which movie?"

"(Movie Title)."

"Really?" you asked, excitedly.

He chuckled and nodded, "Really."

"I'm working for the main actor in that movie!"

He chuckled again, nodding, "I know. I hired you." You froze, realizing you had just made one of the worst first impressions in history. "Hi, I'm Hiccup."

Stuttering, you responded, "(Y- Y/ N). N- Nice t- to meet y- you, sir."

"Please, call me Hiccup," he insisted.

"Okay. Hiccup."

He opened the door leading to the set, gesturing for you to go first. "Mi'lady."

"Aw, two minutes and I can honestly say you're the only gentleman I know." You took his offer, huffing at the wave of busy noise that hit you.

He caught up, embarrassed. "Uh, thanks, I think."

"Definitely a compliment," you confirmed.

"Then thank you, mi'lady."

"You're welcome."

"So, what should I know about first?" he asked, leading you to his dressing room.

"Rule One: only aim a gun at someone if you want them dead, regardless of it being loaded, unloaded, with or without the safety, etc." (AN: that is literally my uncle's main rule whenever we shoot guns. It's a good rule to live by.)

He laughed, "Sounds about right. What else?" (AN: I won't bore you with a bunch of gun safety, facts, or knowledge, don't worry).

"A gun is always loaded, even if you think it's not. It is."

He nodded, unable to look directly at you anymore. He sat up stiffly, letting the makeup person do his work. (AN: I know the stereotype is girls are best at makeup, but some of the best work I've seen were done by guys, so a guy is the makeup artist.)

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