Shouldn't Have Forgotten: For kuramaslover123

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Shouldn't Have Forgotten

For kuramaslover123


Hiccup is 18. You are 13

Brother- sister one shot

Race To The Edge


Your birthday was tomorrow. You were really excited for it. I mean, how could you not be? You were turning fourteen! You were nowhere near eighteen, your brother and his friends' age, but you were that much closer. Not that it really helped. By the time you would be eighteen, they'd be twenty one and twenty two. But, what can one do about the age difference? Not much.

Hiccup had been working on something in private lately. He wouldn't even let you in on what he was making. So, of course, you assumed he was making you a birthday present. He usually made your presents, himself. He made you a shield, a dagger, a sword, an inferno like his for Snoggletog, and even a saddle for your (D/T), (D/N). Whatever you wanted, he made. He was truly the best big brother ever.

"Big brother!" you called out, entering the hut you shared. You only lived there every other week- thanks to your dad thinking you were too young to live so far away- but you loved it. You had celebrated your birthday with your dad that morning and had spent the afternoon flying to the Edge.

"Hey, (N/ N). What are- what are you doing here?" He asked, hiding his secret project behind his back.

You smiled in anticipation. "It's been a week already, big brother."

"You're a day early," he noted.

You nodded, cheerfully. "Yup. Dad let me come. I didn't want to spend tomorrow traveling, so he let me come early, said I'd need to good night's sleep for what you had planned for tomorrow."

He furrowed his eyebrows together. "Tomorrow? What's going on tomorrow?"

He sounded genuine, but he had tricked you before. You laughed, trying to make it sound real. "Oh, not much, apparently. An- anyways, want to hang out before bed?"

He glanced behind him. "Nah, not tonight. I'm busy. Maybe later."

"Oh, okay, then. I'll- I'll, uh, be in my, um, room. Goodnight." You ran off to your room, unsure if he really forgot or not. Surely he wouldn't, right? He was your big brother. He had never forgotten it before. Not even when you had.

"Night?" he asked, confused. He must have shrugged it off, because he went back to work on his secret project before you entered your small room.


The next morning you woke up to Hiccup banging on his secret project again. Ugh! He was so fixated on it. You only had a few hours of peaceful sleep in between his constant banging and loud thinking out loud.

You grudgingly got up and sauntered down to breakfast. Hiccup usually made breakfast, especially on your birthday, so you were surprised when none of the ingredients were even out, let alone blended together and made. What was with him this year?

So you made breakfast, setting it beside him when you were done.

Finally noticing your presence, he looked between you and the plate. "Oh, sorry, (N/ N), but the gang and I planned to have breakfast together at the clubhouse. Heather and Dagur are coming over for the day."

You brightened up. "Heather is coming?"

He nodded. "Yeah. They should be here by now, actually. Sorry I didn't tell you before you started cooking, I didn't notice you were up yet."

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