Backupsmore University: You Tried

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Stanford took a deep breath and clenched a ugly beige pamphlet in his hand. He wasn't even going to pretend to be happy about the situation. It was enough to put on a fake smile while in his mothers presence during the seemingly never ending train ride but now he was finally alone on this god-forsaken campus and he could act as disgusted as he wanted.

"Only the tenth worst college in the country...." Ford scoffed under his breath and started walking towards a large brick building that seemed to be falling apart.

There weren't many students outside which Ford wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. It did mean he wouldn't have to interact with anyone yet so he settled on good thing. As he walked his feet sank with every step, there wasn't any sort of pathway just dead grass, weeds and mud. He cringed as mud somehow found it's way into his left shoe, finding itself between his six toes and surely ruining his sock.

"...more like purgatory..." Ford rolled his eyes because he did have a point. He wondered how many souls haunted the grounds, but he'd have to investigate that later, surely their have been a fair amount of deaths, in fact he was pretty sure the college used to be a asylum. By 'used to be' I mean a year ago.

Ford was a genius and certainly the only one on campus so the reason he was there definitely didn't have anything to do with his mental capability it was more of an series of unfortunate events that he'd rather forget.

He finally arrived at the building. While walking inside he noticed many wet spots on the ceiling which looked as though it were seconds away from caving in on him, which at this point, he wouldn't mind.

"Hello sir, how might I help you?" A lady behind a desk said with an annoyed tone in her voice that made Ford even more so angry than before but luckily he knew how to hide that, unlike a certain person he knew.

"I umm... I'm here to retrieve my room key and I guess whatever else a freshman here needs?" He really wasn't sure.

"Name?" The lady asked as she picked something out of her teeth, causing Ford to shudder.

"Stanford Pines." Ford put his hands behind his back and really just wanted this to be over with so he could just go to his room and read.

"So you're room is...." She went through a file cabinet and flicked the different files quickly, until she stopped and pulled one out, glancing inside before handing it to Ford. "618, it's in the buildin' east of here. An' I think your roommate's already up there." Ford was confused because he highly doubted there were that many rooms but then he realized what she had said lastly.

"Wait,wait,wait, roommate?" Ford had completely forgotten that this school didn't give a singular room option and he was quite honestly about to keel over.

"Well, yeah, didcha' not read the the pamphlet or?" The lady rolled he eyes and slammed the file cabinet shut and handed Ford a rusty key. "Don't loose it because you ain't getting another one and I highly doubt you'd want to share a key with your roommate." 

"Anything else?" Ford snatched the key and took a deep breath, trying to calm his rage.

"The folder has your schedule and everything else, now, if you haven't noticed, I'm a bit busy." The lady picked up a magazine and began to read it while licking her lips in a disgusting way. "Have a nice day."


Ford walked in the courtyard, trying to find his way to the building holding his dorm room while reading the papers which in retrospect, wasn't the best idea he's had today.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Ford crumpled the paper and started running back to the building he was in a minute ago. Apparently, the opening ceremonies begin in two minutes. Though he didn't want to go he also didn't want to be late.


The speech was just as underwhelming as he had expected if not more so. His arms began to ache due to carrying his boxes, mostly filled with books, all around campus, not to mention the strain on his shoulders caused by the four backpacks hanging off of them. 

As he walked into the brick building holding the male dorms he couldn't help but grow more and more annoyed especially with the smell of pot entering his nostrils almost immediately, it reminded him of a guy his brother used to hang out with though the name was escaping him all he could remember was that it started with an 'R'. He could already tell he was going to hate this more than he even originally thought which is really saying something.

He walked up the stairs, struggling to keep his balance,his legs were exhausted. He read through the papers again while holding the boxes with one arm as he was doing earlier in the courtyard.

"Watch out nerd!" Ford heard a deep voice yell but didn't have much time to react before he was knocked off his feet by two guys carelessly running up the stairs. His back  hit the stairs hard and pain surged throughout his body.

"Hey!" He coughed, trying to regain his breath as they just continued running, not giving him a second thought. "You could have at least put me out of my misery..." He sighed under his breath and sat on his knees, trying to locate everything that had flown out of his boxes, he soon heard footsteps approaching and braced himself for more more torture.

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