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"Thank you by the way." Fiddleford smiled as he opened the dorm room door.

"I wasn't really much help?" Ford responded with confusion as they walked inside.

"Well, you tried to defend me and that's more than anyone else as ever done for me." The southern mans smile faded a little as he looked at the ground. "Oh! Don't we have the same class in a hour? Physics right?"

"I believe so, yes." Ford gave a uneasy smile. He still one hundred percent sure about how he felt about Fiddleford, he was a incredibly nice guy and very likeable but acted a bit strange some times.

"So, how about we get lunch at that diner and head to class together?" Fiddleford suggested as he opened a bottle of pain killers and swallowed two along with another pill. The bottle looked like anti-depressants, which Ford was familiar with and took himself but could Fiddleford really need them? He seemed happy?

But that was really none of Fords business and he felt bad for being so nosey.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll pay." He rummaged through a drawer to find his wallet that he never carried with him, which wasn't the smartest but at least no one would steal it from him when he was out.

"Aw shucks, you don't have to..." there was a long pause as Fiddleford walked into the bathroom. "Then again I'm broke." Ford could hear Fiddleford chuckle from inside the bathroom.

Ford couldn't help but smile. Fiddleford had such a bright and optimistic personality, he really needed this light right now.

Fiddleford walked out of the bathroom and stretched.

"C'mon roomie." He elbowed Ford gently in the arm, receiving a small chuckle from him.

Ford unlocked the door and they headed out.


Ford and Fiddleford slid into the booth, sitting acrossfrom one another at the table. Ford noticed Fiddleford shift and take a breath in a way that seemed like he almost couldn't breathe but it only lasted a second.

"You okay?" Ford asked with a deeply concerned tone but watched Fiddleford smile and act as if nothing strange had happened.

"Hmm? Oh. Yes, I'm fine. I just get short of breath sometimes." Fiddleford picked up the menu and began to look at its contents, in reality he knew he'd just get chicken fingers but needed to avoid eye contact.

"Are you sure...?" Ford tried to look over the menu and at Fiddleford but to no avail.

"Stanford, I'm perfectly fine." Fiddleford gave a small glare. Though he was almost surprised and flattered Ford seemed to care seeing as no one seemed to.

"Hmm...alright...oh by the way, what exactly did you do to tick off that one guy?" Ford really needed to learn to shut up sometimes.

"I'll have you know I didn' do anythin'. He attacked me with out being provoked." Fiddleford huffed and put the menu down. "Not everyone is exactly respectful towards what they deem different."

Now Ford was curious as to what exactly he meant. Perhaps it had to do with him being from Tennessee? But even so, that didn't seem that different. Then Ford remembered one particularly offensive insult given.

Ford didn't want to question further, however.

"I definitely know how that can be." Ford scoffed and looked down, focused on nothing but the table, examining it intensely.

{Canceled} Science, Friendship, Ghosts And....Romance?Where stories live. Discover now