Winter Break

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It was 5 AM. The morning after the party.

"Hey, Ford? You awake?" Fiddleford whispered in the dark.

"Yes." Ford responded louder than how the question was asked.

"Thank you for dealing with me last night. I'm sorry for forcing you to go to that party." Fiddleford turned in bed to be facing the bed Ford was in.

"It's fine, Fiddleford." Ford chuckled. "Though I'm still a little confused as to why you wanted to go so badly..."

"To be honest, I don't even know why...I was just trying to impress you, I guess. Wasn't expecting spin the bottle." Fiddleford bit his thumb nail. "I have a splitting headache..."

"Right, because getting drunk at a college part full of idiots is incredibly impressive. Also, you started that game." Ford yawned. "Take some asprin and drink some water. Normally I'd help you with that but, I myself feel sick."

"I know, I know. " Fiddleford rolled his eyes. "It's too cold to get up. My tummy hurts too." Fiddleford chuckled.

"You have a hangover, dummy." Ford smiled a little to himself.

"I have to pee too." Fiddleford groaned. "It's not too much work though." Fiddleford half-heartedly joked. "Carry me."

"Fiddleford, I think you can walk to the bathroom." Ford rolled his eyes with a stupid grin on his face

"I disagree.... Oh! Wait! Hold on! I just remembered something. What are you doing for winter break?" Fiddleford yawned and stretched. "Are you sure going to go spend Hanukkah with your family or...?"

"Oh...I don't know. I don't really think I want to. Too much has changed and I don't think I can face my father right now." Ford turned over onto his stomach. "Considering I realized I'm gay..."

"I was thinkin' about calling my sister up and askin' her if I could spend Christmas down tnere with her but I don't know. I'd love for you to come too." Fiddleford scratched his back and sat up. His back popped as he stretched. "What do ya say?"

"Sure, why not." Ford started slowly falling asleep,finally.

" long as you're fine with all the Christmasy junk 'cause my sister goes out of her way around this time of year." Fiddleford put his glasses on before standing. "And kids."

"Fidds, seriously. I'd like to go." Ford laughed. Fiddleford was always so careful not to offend or bother Ford in anyway. Sometimes it was a little aggravating but Ford still appreciated it. Ford burried his face in his pillow.

"Don't suffocate yerself, knucklehead." Fiddleford smirked and patted Fords back as he walked by to get into the bathroom.

"Hmmhwhatever"Ford mumbled into pillow and started drifting off.


"Hey, you ready to go?" Fiddleford smiled brightly while picking up two suitcases off his bed.

"Yeah. I'm so glad you're excited about this." Ford smiled and picked up two other suitcases.

"I'm most excited to spend the holidays with you, to be honest. And to introduce you to ma sister. Yer my best friend and she'll be glad I finally made a friend that actually doesn't hate me." Fiddleford chuckled and winked.

"Well, I hope I'm not too much of a disappointment." Ford opened the door for Fiddleford. 

"Oh hush, you're not gonna be a disappointment." Fiddleford walked out the door and Ford followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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