Love and Care Makes the World Go Round

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The bathroom door opened and Ford sat up, watching, waiting to make sure Fiddleford was fine.

Out came Fiddleford with dripping wet hair, a baggy shirt and boxers on.

Ford had a small smile as he watched the man lay down on the bed opposite his own. His hair falling around his head onto the burgundy blanket underneath him.

"Hey Stanford?" Fiddleford stared at the ceiling and clenched the blanket in his fists.

"Hmm?" Ford hadn't taked his eyes of Fiddleford yet.

"Don't you hate me?" Fiddleford closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if about to dive into the salty waves of the cold ocean.

"What? Of course not! Why on earth would I have helped you if I hated you?" Ford frowned and looked at a man who had truly felt like no one would ever love him and the emotion in Fiddlefords face got to Ford in a way unlike any other.

" seem like a nice person...who's not to say you just pity me?" Fiddleford rolled over, feeling the eyes fixated on his face.

"If this is about you being transgender, stop. That doesn't matter. You're a man. And that's nothing to be hated for. You are you and no one can tell you otherwise." Ford walked over to Fiddlefords bed and kneeled beside it, putting a hand gently on his arm.

Fiddleford sat there silently for a few seconds, taking in what was just said. He had never heard anything like that. He grew up in a incredibly conservative household, well up until he...left.

"Thank you." Fiddleford sat up and wrapped his arms around Ford, giving the biggest hug he'd ever received.

"Are you crying?" Ford smiled warmly into the crook of Fiddleford's neck.

"Shut up." Fiddleford chuckled into Ford's shoulder.

"Rude." Ford stopped hugging and sat on the bed beside Fiddleford.

"How'd ya even know...y'know, all these kinda things?" Fiddleford was really confused about the situation still. He never met anyone that knew so much about binding and the such so it was odd to say the least, and the likelihood of him being transgender as well felt too low, though there was a slight chance.

"Oh, well, my brother had a friend back in high-school, whooo didn't go to school and was honestly a bad influence but, he was transgender as well." Ford held a pillow in his lap and leaned back. "He wore a lot of leather and he was really good at binding so I asked because I was curious and wanted to know how and what the safety precautions were so if a situation ever arose where like now, I was friends with someone and the needed help. Besides, I just like to know." Ford smiled warmly and Fiddleford who blushed lightly back.

"Really? Wonder where he learned all that. It's really hard to learn this kinda stuff, I was forced to figure it out on my own." Fiddleford laid back again, this time beside Stanford as their feet hung of the bed.

"You did have a binder though?" Ford noted and raised a eyebrow.

"Well, yes. That was actually a gift from my brother before he...nevermind." Fiddleford squirmed and sighed again.

Ford felt bad but was also now more curious.

"You have a brother?" Ford asked curiously, perhaps they can bond over that, as much as Ford didn't want to talk about Stanley, Fiddlefords seemed upset so this might help, besides, he has a younger brother as well as Stanley so it's not like he HAS to talk specifically about him.

"Had." Fiddlefords knee began to bounce when Ford made a confused sound. "It's a long story. I mean, I have a few younger brothers but that one longer here."

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