Flower Boy

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Ford reached to plug a blow dryer into a outlet. His hair was dripping all over the bathroom, he should probably get a haircut soon, it was on his to do list which was much too long for anyone his age. 

"Seriously!?" He groaned, the cords to the outlet where completely fried and chewed. "Great..." He sighed.

"You a'right in there partner?" Fiddleford knocked on the door, concerned about his new roommate who was admittedly handsome, not that Fiddleford would say it, that was something he only thought and kept to himself, like...many things.

"Yeah, I'm fine just wet." He wrapped a towel around his hair and finished getting dressed so he could exit the cold bathroom. "You don't happen to have a brush or anything do you?" He forgot to bring one. He was more concerned about his books. It's not like he'd need to use a brush often after he cut his hair anyways.

Fiddleford rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a large purple brush that still had strands of his sandy hair stuck in it, to be fair he did have rather long hair.

"Thanks." Ford sighed and began to brush through is dark brown hair. Fiddleford made sure to avert his eyes, he didn't want to stare, though the water still dripping onto Ford's face from his hair was rather enticing.

"No problem..." Fiddleford stummed on his banjo strings quietly.

Ford handed Fiddleford the brush back and proceeded to stack his books around  his bed.

"When do yer classes start?" Fiddleford didn't take his eyes off his banjo strings as he asked.

"Hmm... I believe the first is monday at twelve P.M. Why do you ask?" Ford opened one book, and frowned at the picture of he and his twin.

"Huh. Mine does too." Fiddleford shrugged. "And no real reason, was just curious."

Ford nodded, he was a bit confused but wasn't it the mood to ask much further.

"Why are you here anyways?" Fiddleford didn't like to let the silence to last very long.

"Excuse me?" Ford didn't mean to sound hostile towards the question but it was too late now.

"You seem like a smart one....what are you doing in this college?" Fiddleford stared up at Ford who was standing and then sighed. "If you'd rather not discuss it that's fine. Just don't ask me why I'm here."

Ford was still surprised at the sudden question and he honestly felt like ignoring it all together but that would've been rude of him.

"It's personal." He made sure not to look at his roommate while speaking. He didn't even want to think of the reason behind him being there.

"Hmm..." Fiddleford sighed and leaned back onto the bed, his banjo resting on his stomach and moving with each breath. "What are you striving for...?" He almost seemed to be talking to himself.

"I want to become successful. I don't plan on leaving here without at least three PhDs." His eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at the other who scoffed.

"What do you really want?" Fiddleford turned his head to look at Ford. His light brown hair almost seemed blonded and his eyes were a gorgeous shining blue brighter than the galaxy as they reflected the warm light from the window.

Ford blushed lightly at this look that seemed so sweet and warm.

"I...I'm not just going to answer whatever you ask. Besides I already told you." He rolled his eyes and grabbed a book out of one of his boxes. "Now if you'd excuse me, I'd like to study."


Monday arrived in what seemed like no time at all.

Ford was walking down one of the dirty and quite frankly, disgusting, hallways of Backupsmore when he heard a loud bang. Sounded like something had been hit against a wall pretty hard. Knowing that probably meant conflict, he tried his hardest to avoid it yet when he turned the corner there it was.

"Oh shut up. At least I know what two times two is you numbskull."

Well, Ford had definitely heard that voice before and definitely knew who it belonged to.

"Don't see how that makes up for you being a disgusting inbred faggot."

Ford cringed and shivered at the insult he could feel the tension in the air, it was only seconds before something really bad was goimg to happen and he really had no choice but to butt in.

"Okay man, back off." He made his way between the attacker and Fiddleford.

"Oh I don't think so nerd."

Ford was pushed onto the ground and Fiddleford was kneed in the stomach but still some how managed to stand which Ford was admittedly impressed by.

To Fords surprise, Fiddleford threw a punch and hit the bully right in the jaw.

"Who knew the flower boy could throw a punch?" The attacker coughed and rubbed his jaw. "Though I thing the term 'boy' is a bit inaccurate. You sure punch like a girl. Betcha have the parts too."

That lit a fire in Fiddlefords eyes that Ford had never seen in someone before.

"Oh you done it now asshole." Fiddleford kicked him in the crotch and grabbed Fords arm and ran with him back down the hall in what felt like the blink of a eye.

Ford was confused and honestly rather scared as he was being pulled along and thrown in a closet.

"What the hell was that!?" Ford shouted as Fiddleford laughed and slid down the closet wall and onto the floor.

"Shh, keep it down, don't want them findin' us do ya?" Fiddleford looked up at Ford with watery eyes.

"I'm serious McGucket." Ford sat as well because this entire situation was awkward enough.

"It was nothing, just don't worry about it. Don't think it'll happen again." Fiddleford wiped his eyes and sighed with a smile. "Sure felt good though."

There was a pause where the two just exchanged glances but that wasn't exactly doing it for Ford.

"Are you okay? He hit you pretty hard..." Ford held onto his knees and looked into Fiddlefords eyes with a deep concern. "Those kinda guys don't hold back."

"Nah, I'm fine. Used to pick fights all the time in high-school. Nothing a bit of pain killers can't heal." His knee started to bounce against Fords leg.

"Really? You don't seem like the type..." Ford was completely confused, he's only known Fiddleford for a day and a half but he was sweet and overall nice guy.

"Just got a lotta personal issues and pent up anger I suppose." Fiddleford sighed but then smiled. "Thanks for your concern. I think it's been long enough...we can leave the closet." He chuckled and began to stand. He reached his hand out for Ford to grab.

At first Ford was hesitant. Every time he had ever touched someones hand they recoiled. He hated it. Even this one girl he tried to date in high-school screamed. He wasn't really interested to begin with but it still hurt. But still, he felt okay with this. He knew Fiddleford wouldn't retract his hand or scream. He grabbed his hand and was pulled up to his feet and in a way it felt good.

// A/N: My depression has been a real pain in the neck lately so I'm sorry this chapter is very eeeeeehhhhhhhhhh but I really wanted to update something sense it's been ages since I last updated something.  I am working on 'Fine' though so don't worry about that.

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