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Fiddleford's eyes fluttered open to be face to face with Fords crotch area and quick sat straight up. His neck ached. He could only imagine how Ford felt. He was still sitting up whilst asleep.

Ford woke up quickly after Fiddleford had sat up. The weight and warmth of Fiddlefords head vanished from his lap. Ford slowly opened his eyes and groaned with a stretch. His neck and back were in great pain. "Fiddleford?" He asked, hoping Fiddleford didn't leave. He didn't even really remember the way to get back to the dorms.

"Mornin' Stanford." Fiddleford chuckled at Ford holding his back in pain.

"Glad you think this is funny, Fiddleford." Ford groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. "We probably missed our first class..." Ford sighed. The professors are going to hate him for this. He didn't want to have a bad reputation. He'd have to fix that.

"Probably." Fiddleford got up and grabbed he and Fords empty cola bottles. "Let's go." Fiddleford ruffled Fords brunette hair. Ford stood and followed Fiddleford to the male dormitory. They walked inside and were given strange looks by other students with no idea why.

Once they had gotten to their room it was clear why. Their door was covered in crude painted images and offensive words. They were directed at Fiddleford. Fiddlefords eyes widened and he was very clearly hurt, on the brink of tears. Fords eyes were filled with anger.

"Fiddleford, it's okay." Ford hugged Fiddleford. He had to act calm. He knew who did this but just wanted to get Fiddleford inside. He unlocked the door and he and Fiddleford sat on their respective beds. Or at least, that's what Ford thought was going to happen. While he sat on his bed, Fiddleford was walking to the bathroom and came out with a wet sponge and a towel. "What are you doing?" Ford asked with confusion.

"I'm..I'm gonna clean up the door." Fiddleford began to open the door but Ford jumped up and grabbed his hand.

"Let me do that. You've had enough drama in the last two days. Go lay down and get proper and comfortable rest." Ford grabbed the sponge and towel and nudged Fiddleford to his bed. "And please, take off the binding. It's been too long already." Ford walked out the door and closed it, to give Fiddleford his privacy.

He scrubbed the door with aggressively. It took a lot of elbow grease but he got it clean - for the most part. There were bits of red paint here and there but his arms hurt so he decided it was good enough for now.

Ford knocked on the door. No answer. Ford sighed. Fiddleford had probably fallen asleep. He opened the door carefully to see Fiddleford laying on his bed in a very amusing position. He was spooning his pillow and he left cheek was smooshed against the pillow. He was snoring. And while, he didn't look peaceful, per say, he did look happy. He didn't seem sad in this moment so Ford was pleased.

Ford didn't want to but he had to, he gently shook Fiddlefords shoulder. "You're going to be late for class." That was funny to say. They'd miss practically all their classes yesterday and one that morning.

Fiddleford groaned and draped his leg around the pillow and kicked Fords leg with barely any force. "Noo...two more minutes, darlin'..." Fiddleford went back to sleep quickly.

Ford ignored the last word. He was tired do it was just a accident. "C'mon, McGucket. You're going to get kicked out of Backupsmore, taking me with you."  He shook again. Now he noticed the abnormal amount of light brown hair on the the bed, not all by Fiddlefords head. His stomach turned a little. He was probably overreacting. He hadn't seen Fiddleford pull out his hair anyways.

Fiddleford grabbed Fords hand and pulled. "C'mere." Fiddleford giggled and kissed Fords hand. It turned Fords face bright red.

"What are you?! Drunk?" Ford groaned. He didn't think Fiddleford had gotten into booze. He was probably just tired. "Fiddleford, please." He pulled his hand away and Fiddleford finally opened his eyes.

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