Not Yet

339 11 17

His abdomen was covered in bruises and dried blood with gauze lazily set on top.

"You didn't even clean these!" Ford ran into the bathroom and grabbed peroxide and a first aid kit.

"Explain to me how you can go that long acting fine after having your ribs nearly broken." Ford said from the bathroom as he poured peroxide onto a couple of cotton balls.

"You asked me to get lunch with you whilst giant bruises were forming on your entire torso. I'm quite frankly, offended. Ir vunderlekh idyot." He walked back in to see Fiddleford squirming and slipping his fingers under bandages binding his chest.

Fords eyes widened. He said nothing as he turned back into the bathroom. He was so caught up with the injuries he hadn't noticed.

A second passed and Fiddleford was terrified and felt like the world was about to collapse around him. People never took this well.

"Here." Ford handed Fiddleford a towel and then turned around and closed his eyes. "You need to take those off. I'll give you a shirt once your cleaned up just cover yourself with the towel."

Fiddleford did as he said but was incredibly confused. He was in too much pain to ask any questions, however.


"No wonder you were having breathing issues. Fiddleford, it is incredibly dangerous to use bandages for this." He examined where they had indented the skin.

"How long did you have these on?" This was insanely dangerous. After taking a beating like it is apparent he did with the binding, it's a wonder he's not in the hospital. Though, the night's still young.

"I put them o..on I wen..t to bed last n..night." He knew that wasn't a good idea but he was still uncomfortable around the new roommate and it made him feel better.

"Oh my god. Fiddleford! It's dangerous to go longer than five hours like that! And it's not even proper binding!" Ford shook his head and began to clean the wounds.

"I..I do have a b..binder b..but it's too big now." He tiredly pointed to the drawer he keeps his underwear in.

Ford wasn't surprised at 'too big' Fiddleford is practically skin and bones, which Ford didn't notice until this endeavor.

Ford pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Now that I know, please just wear one of my bigger shirts around the dormroom until you can buy a big baggy shirt yourself. Or I'll buy one for you. I just figure it'd be comfortable for you while not binding to wear a large shirt. Do you have any sports bras?" Ford asked before placing a clean piece of gauze of the injuries and securing it down with medical tape.

"I didn't ever have one 'cept when I was just goin' through puberty." Fiddleford had his eyes closed as he laid down. He was breathing at a much more normal pace.

Ford sighed and thought for a moment.

"What size do you need? And what's your shirt size?" He grbbed his jacket and walked over to the door after handing Fiddleford a larger sweater of his.

"I don't know 's been too long. A pretty big one but not like the biggest y'know probably just a medium sized one...and a extra small..." Fiddleford finally relaxed and appeared to be falling asleep.

Good. Ford can go buy the things for his friend without having to worry about him doing anything ridiculous again.


He pushed a buggy down the aisles pf the store picking necessities up before heading to the womans undergarments area.

He was incredibly worried someone would see him. He thought about putting the hood up of his jacket but decided he'd look like pervert so he did not.

He decided to grab two sports bras so Fiddleford would have a extra. After that he headed to the clothes, he couldn't decide whether or not a male or female tank top would work best so he grabbed three of each.

Lastly, he grabbed a couple of bigger shirts with different patterns, noticing his friends love for patterned shirts.

The checkout was a experience Ford has wished not to experience. He just avoided eye contact as much as possible. He'd use the 'For my girlfriend' excuse if provoked.


Ford arrived back at the dorm to see Fiddleford fast asleep on the bed.

Ford smiled a little as he covered his roommate up with a maroon comforter and made sure his pillows were set up properly for him to have a nice nap. He folded the clothing he had gotten and sat them on the dresser. He also put up the extra medical supplies he had gotten along with a little food.

"You poor guy..." Ford sighed and laid on his own bed. He was much too late to bother going to his physics class and would honestly prefer to stay until Fiddleford woke up anyway.

He really hoped he made Fiddleford feel safe. He didn't care about orientation or identification or anything like that. People were people, no matter what his father had taught him.

He decided to take a nap as well, still fully clothed. He had slept for about a hour when he was awoken to what sounded like something hitting the floor.
That couldn't be good.

He bolted up and Fiddleford wasn't in the other bed.

"Fiddleford!?" He looked around and didn't see him, the only option was he was in the bathroom. Ford knocked on the door. "What happened?"

"I..I just slipped and fell on my fannie is all. Imma' try an' take a shower..." Fiddleford turned the faucet on and warm water came rushing down. He was surprised it was actually warm.

"You sure you're okay?" Ford was still worried. After how Fiddleford had been acting he was incredibly concerned Fiddleford would do something horrible.

"Don't worry, I ain't killin' myself yet beach boy." Fiddleford gave a light chuckle and began undressing, avoiding the cracked mirror.

He stepped in the shower and took a deep breath trying to relax.

"I'm fine." He said very quietly.

"Alright....but if you need anything please don't hesitate to yell for me." Ford sat back down on his bed and began to study, making sure he didn't miss anything in the now two classes he missed.

A/N: Things ended up being different than what I wrote in "Safe" but I enjoy playing around with events and such. So there are still connections with the previously mentioned fic but there are differences in how I wrote the flashbacks in that.

Yiddish translation:
"Ir vunderlekh idyot."=You wonderful diot.

(I used Google translate so sincerest apologies if it's not quite correct.)

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