November 16th

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It was very early in the morning. It was Sunday and Fiddleford had just woken up to see Ford rewinding the recorder and holding it by his ear.

"Stanford?" Fiddleford pushed his hair out of his face and yawned. "Did you even sleep?" He knew he probably didn't but he asked anyway.

"What...?" Ford rubbed his eyes. "What time is it...? I was just listening to the tapes..."

"It's seven in the mornin'. You were up all night again weren't you?" Fiddleford was quite peeved.

"I..I guess I did." Ford shurgged. "It's  not a big deal."

"Yes it is. You need sleep or you're gonna get sick." Fiddleford took the recorder away from Ford and pushed him to the bed. "Sleep."

"Fidds, I'm perfectly fine." Ford said stubbornly but was tucked in with blankets.

"When was the last time you properly ate, Stanford?" Fiddleford asked sternly. He really wanted to keep Ford healthy.

"I don't know...sixteen hours or so...I really don't know for sure." Ford responded.

"I'll heat you up some pizza." They had pizza a few nights ago and still had some leftover slices of plain cheese pizza. "And grab you some water. Just rest a little."

Fiddleford pulled two slices of the pizza and threw them the microwave. He poured his friend a glass of water as the microwave beeped, signaling that it's done heating the pizza. Fiddleford popped it open and started pulling the plate out.

He grabbed a paper towel and brought the food to his friend.

"Orders up!" He sat the plate in Fords lap as the brunette sat up. He also sat the glass of water down on the dresser between their beds. "Eat up and then take a nap." Fiddleford ruffled Fords dark brown hair playfully and sat back on his own bed.

Ford ate the slices stubbornly, once done he laid down and practically fell asleep immune. Fiddleford couldn't help but snicker as Ford snored loudly.


A month passed by once again and it was now November 15th. A Wednesday and Ford and Fiddleford were walking to the diner they often went to for lunch. Though this time it was for dinner. They didn't have time for lunch earlier that day. Too much class work.

"Sure, but I don't think the professor would be too happy with a chemical explosion." Fiddleford nudged Fords shoulder playfully. Ford gave a annoyed eye roll.

"At least I didn't turn the community toaster into a super destructive death robot." Ford lifted his eyebrow and gave a sly crooked smirk.

"Well yeah but, we could use that robot to fight those jerks." Fiddleford was referring to the bullies that beat him up one of their first days at Backupsmore. Though Ford only had to deal with the one at first, over these last months they've both ran into their fair share of jackasses.

"As inticing as that sounds, you'd go to straight to jail." Ford opened the diner door for Fiddleford.

"Stanford, nothing I do could be considered straight." He said that quietly as they did enter a more public area now.

"Ha ha very funny but I'm serious, Fiddleford." they sat down at their usual booth. "I just don't want you to get in trouble you can't get out of."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Fiddleford frowned, his light mood now being turned down.

They ordered dinner and sat in silence for what felt like a eternity.

"So, I know tomorrow's  only Thursday but I was thinking we could just skip D, D, and More D club tomorrow considering we're the only members anyway..." Ford rubbed the back of his neck.

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