A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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{!!Trigger warning!! This chapter contains very mild drinking and even milder smoking though, it includes a panic attack that's much more serious.}

It had been awhile since the attack, about a week or so. Ford and Fiddleford were walking back to their dormitory from their 'favorite' diner.

"Oh, come on, Ford! Let's go to the party!" Fiddleford held onto Fords arm as the walked on the side walk. It was rather cold out this night.

"Don't you think it's a little odd that were actually invited to a actual college party?" Ford raised his eyebrow a little. He had a good point.

"It's not like we have anything better to do. Why not give it a chance?" Fiddleford really want to go and make friends, not that Ford wasn't a great friend, he just wanted more than one friend for once.

"I just don't want you to get hurt or anything." Ford looked down at his feet as they walked and he remembering what happened to him. His breath was visible, looking like smoke in the night.

"Ford, it'll be fine. There'll be plenty of people there." Fiddleford took wider than necessary steps, he was in a fun and uppity mood, he's been like this all day,it put Ford in a good mood as well.

"Well, that's what I'm worried about." Ford had a feeling that al, the people at the party were going to be the type that aren't too fond of he and Fiddlefords type, per say.

"Ford, it'll be okie dokie. I promise you." Fiddleford was being too optimistic and it worried Ford quite a good deal. "Plus you'll be with me. We can back eachother up."

"Fine. But if anything suspicious happens, we're leaving." Ford moved his red scarf up and over his mouth.

"Alright, fair enough." Fiddleford smiled lovingly. "At least try to have a little fun for once, Stanford."

"What? For once? I always have fun with you." Ford playfully nudged Fiddleford with his shoulder.

"You're such a dork." Fiddleford ruffled Fords soft hair as he often does. "Let's get goin'..."

"It's so nice out tonight though." Ford really wasn't ready to go to the party, at least not yet.

"Hm, you're right. It's freezin' though." Fiddleford looked up at the cloudy moonlit sky. "Mind if I light a cigarette?"

"Yes." Ford said sternly. "They're bad for you and you know I don't like it." Ford glared at Fiddleford whom was now lighting the cigarette anyway.

"Hey, maybe my voice'll get deeper from these." Fiddleford shurgged and stuck the lit cigarette in his mouth.

"That's not funny." Ford frowned, not that it was visible under his scarf.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Fiddleford sighed and put out the cigarette and threw it in a ashtray atop a garbage can they walked past. "I'll quit some day. At least it's better than weed or acid."

"Barely." Ford put his large hands in his jacket pockets. "They're nothing but sticks of cancer."

"I know, you say that every time." Fiddleford rolled his eyes. He knew Ford was just being a protective friend and all but still.

"I say it for a reason." They arrived at the college building."After you." Ford opened the door to their dormitory and let Fiddleford go in first.

"Well thank ya kind sir." Fiddleford joked and walked into the building which was barely any warmer inside than outside.

"Jesus, they really need heaters." Ford hated this college with the passion of a thousand suns.

"I know, right. It's cold enough to freeze the teats off a frog." Fiddleford shivered.

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