A Secret

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Fiddleford practically pulled Ford through the halls of the college.

"H...hey!? Where are you taking me?!" Ford didn't really fight and kept up with Fiddleford's pace. 

"It's a secret." Fiddleford looked back and winked at his friend. The halls were empty, it was past curfew, Ford didn't really care seeing as no one seemed to care about the curfew, and he knew Fiddleford certainly didn't care.

The moon was bright as well as the street lights as they exited the male dormitory. Ford found it amusing that the school actually spend money on keeping guys and chicks apart, bedroom wise. No one cared despite the rules. He'd only been there for a very short period of time but it was easy to see.

Fiddleford had pulled Ford through the courtyard to the back of the brick building. It was littered with garbage as well as a family of  opossum that Ford found fascinating but he didn't get much time to gawk at the furry animals feasting on what appeared to be the carcass of a smaller opossum. He was pulled through a bush and a few trees to a oddly calm and not so disgustingly vulgar clearing of grass. One pink dogwood tree sat in the middle, lighted beautifully under the moonlight.

It was a odd sight to see after growing used to the campuses unkempt aesthetics.

"Voliá!" Fiddleford exclaimed with what appeared to be excitement and let go of Fords' hand.

"How did...what? How did you find this place?" Ford asked with confusion and sat on a tree stump and watched as Fiddleford rustled around a bush.

"I was lookin' around here a week before orientation and found it. Neat huh?" He pulled what looked like another homemade cooler of some sort and offered Ford a drink.

"Huh..." He looked at the bottle and shook his head. "I don't drink."

"It's Pitt Cola, Stanford." Fiddleford chuckled a little and gave his roommate the drink anyway. "I actually lived here up 'till I was able to move in." He sat on the dewy grass beside the stump Ford was sitting on.

Ford didn't really know how to properly response. That guy has been through so much and some how trusted him. "I'm sorry. I'm sure I've said it before but I am. I mean honestly...when I graduate I'm going to make your life better." He smiled a little.

"Phfft, don't go makin' promises like that. We just met not long ago. Why'd you make such a rash promise to someone you just met?" He took a swig of his soda and stretched his legs out on the grass.

Ford thought about that for a moment. He couldn't really explain it. Fiddleford already meant a lot to him, oddly enough. "I dunno...I get the feeling we're going to be good friends for a long time is all." He stared up at the bright moon. "Well, at least I hope."

Fiddleford watched as the soft light highlighted Fords face in a rather romantic way. "So do I..." He smiled. He smiled often. Usually fake smiles to get through the day but with Ford he couldn't help but smile genuinely. "Hey, Ford?"

"Hmm?" Ford looked to the southerner sitting beside him. He opened his bottle and drank a little.

"I'm awfully sorry for what I made you deal with." Fiddleford pulled his knees to his chest. "I'm so prone to harm." Fiddleford stared off into the distance.

"I know how that is..." Ford cleared his throat. "But hey, pal, don't apologize. It wasn't your fault. And don't feel like it was." Ford ruffled Fiddleford's tan and sleek hair. "It's all going to be okay. Just tell me if someone messes with you. I just so happened to have taken boxing classes for five years. I'll beat the crap out of them. I just wasn't prepared before."

Fiddleford laughed a little. "Thank's, Ford." He wiped his blue eyes, which shined in the moonlight.

"You have really nice eyes...they're very deep and blue." Ford blushed faintly. He regretted saying that but he spoke his mind too often.

"O..oh... thank you. Never heard that before." Fiddleford blushed as well. "Your eyes are quite pretty too." He looked into Fords seemingly orange eyes. They were almost a burnt orange, though he knew they were just a light brown. Possibly with hints of gold.

"Thank you, Fidds..." Ford smiled. That was knew. He had gotten more compliments in the last few days than he had all his life. "I don't think I deserve your kindness."

"What!? C'mon, man. You saved my life. That deserves plenty of kindness if ya ask me." He felt much more comfortable, which he had Ford to thank for. "Don't be so modest all of the sudden."

"Still, Fiddleford, please don't go out of your way to be nice to me." Ford drank from the bottle again and yawned.

"I'm not 'goin' out of my way'. I'm bein' honest with ya." Fiddleford yawned as well. A sign of connection, at least it's thought.

"....Do you know what time it is by any chance?" Ford looked up at the moon, high in the sky. He sighed. He knew he missed the majority of classes for the day.

"Probably around eleven. Why?" Fiddleford readjusted himself to a more comfortable position and tossed his empty bottle a few feet away from him. He'd get it before they left.

"I'm just tired is all." Ford rubbed his eyes. That wasn't the main reason. He was also worried about school but now he definitely knew that he missed the last class of the day.

"I'm tired too." Fiddleford laughed a little and rested his head on Fords lap and closed his eyes.

Ford didn't really know what to do. He just sat there nervously staring back and forth at Fiddleford and the moon but his eyes settled on Fiddlefords face as it was clear he had fallen asleep. The moon glistened on his face. It gave Ford a different feeling. Ford smiled and ran his fingers through Fiddlefords hair as the southern man slept. 

He was so happy in this moment. It was odd. He hadn't really felt this happy in a very long time. Maybe he was just desperate for any form of love, even if it's not much. It had been a long time since he received any form of attention. Both romantic and platonic love were things he wasn't used to. It had only been a year since he had cut ties with his brother. Already, however, platonic love was already as foreign as romantic love. It was a weird concept for him to think. Then again, it certainly wasn't romantic love he was feeling, right? He was straight, right? No, no. There was no questioning that.

This was nothing more than friendship. Early friendship at that. He laughed as Fiddleford adjusted himself to where his face was facing Ford's stomach. The skinny man snored.

Ford soon couldn't help but fall asleep awkwardly on the stump. Surprisingly this wasn't the first time he had to sleep in a upright position. He had been in plenty a awkward situation.

The two slept peacefully under the moonlight. It was oddly quiet. Much more peaceful than their dorm room.

//A/N: Ayyyye I finally update this. Sorry it's not that great//

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