A Not-So Cold Meeting

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"Heavens ta' betsy! Need some help there fella?" Ford was shocked to hear such a heavy yet inciting southern drawl, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't blushing, today was going to be a longer day than hoped.

"Umm...Thank you for the offer but I think I got it..." Ford stared at the floor trying his best not to look at the stranger who was now crouching beside him on the steps. "Really, thank you but I don't want to be a bother..."

"Oh nonsense! I wanna help!" The stranger reached for one of Ford's books and their hands just so happened to brush against one another in the most cliché of ways, turning the strangers attention to Fords sweating hand. "Sweet sarsaparilla! Do you have six fingers!?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, creepy." Ford quickly hid his hands under boxes and began to stand, boxes in hand, almost falling once again in the process.

"No, no! I think they're real neat! Bet yer' pretty darn good at playin' instruments huh?" Ford could feel his cheeks grow a rosy color, he hadn't heard anyone say that before, other than a certain person he'd rather not think about right now.

"Oh I umm...I...Thank you." Ford awkwardly stared at his box and began walking up the stairs again.

"No prob, Bob!" The stranger chuckled and grabbed one of the boxes from Ford along with two of the bags. "Oh and by the by, name's Fiddleford Hadron McGucket though that's a long and weird mouth-full so just the first'll be suffice."

"...My name's Stanford Pines but uhh...Ford will do." Ford tried to pick up his pace. He was so embarrassed about the entire situation. The blush was definitely not helping he just prayed to God Fiddleford hadn't noticed. Surely the blush wasn't caused by Fiddleford right? Why in the world would he be flustered over another male?

"If ya' don't mind me askin', what's yer' room number?" Fiddleford smiled and walked beside Ford. Ford gulped.

"618." He said nervously and stepped off the stairs and into a hallway that quite frankly, reeked of illegal substances, beer, and other...things Ford preferred not to think about, trying to keep his mind out of the gutter.

"So's mine! Would'cha fancy that!" Fiddleford laughed and nudged Ford with his shoulder causing the shorter brunette to blush even deeper.

'Lord have mercy...' Just as Ford thought he couldn't be more ready to die, this happened and quite honestly, Ford already thought he was dead, just a spirit with the apparent need to relive it's death so, residual haunting then? Huh, who woulda thought? Oh right, he woulda.


"Uh, I already put some stuff up on the right side of the room but if you want it I could take it down." Fiddleford sat Fords' stuff down gently.

Ford looked at the right side of the room and had to stifle his annoyed laughter at being reminded that the schools mascot was a aardvark, seeing as the word 'aardvarks' was printed on a stereotypical banner. Though Fiddleford didn't really seem like the school spirit type, Ford shrugged it off.

"The left side is fine, oh and, thank you again for helping me, I owe you one." Ford began to unpack as Fiddleford sat on his bed and pulled out a old torn up banjo and began to strum on it's cords lightly, he wasn't have bad. "You play the banjo?" Ford asked, not that he was really that surprised.

"Thought that'd be one of them 'everyone from the south' kinda' things people figure." Fiddleford chuckled. Ford couldn't help but laugh a little as he began to stack books.

"This is going to sound like a weird question but uhh, where are you from exactly?" Ford then started to unpack his clothing, folding them before placing them in drawers.

"I'm actually from Tennessee,the most country of states." He snickered. "How 'bout you, Stanford?"

"Oh, well, I'm from New Jersey." Ford made sure not to face his roommate as he folded his underwear.

"Huh. Never been to New Jersey myself but seems like a intrestin' place to grow up." Fiddleford continued to play his banjo. "You dropped a pair." Fiddleford chuckled and glanced up at his new friend that was still incredibly flustered, so much so he didn't even realize that he had dropped a pair of his boxers.

"Tha...thanks." Ford bent over and picked the red undergarment up. To make things worse they were bright red. He wouldn't even have bought them if they didn't come in a ten pack for under five dollars. Well, at least the were comfortable.

"You sure do say thanks a lot." Fiddleford laughed and stood up to stretch, causing his back and arms to pop he let out a groan of relief that sent shivers down Fords' spine, but not the regular cold or scared shivers, these were different and some how his face still felt heated though he was almost certain the blood was pooling elsewhere, best not to think about it really.

"Well, you have been very helpful so of course I'm going to thank you." Ford sat on his bed and finished unpacking. "Do you know if the shower works by any chance? It's been a long day filled with too many smells and stains for my comfort." Fiddleford chuckled, his new friend was surprisingly funny.

"Well, I haven' checked the shower but the sink works so I'd guess the shower does, more or less. Oh and watch out for spiders. Bathroom's crawlin' with them darned things." Fiddleford handed Ford a rainbow colored flyswatter.

"Mostly bug free dorms my ass."Ford rolled his eyes and sighed while grabbing a outfit along with a washcloth and towel.

"He did say bug free, not arachnid free." Fiddleford laughed and grabbed a Pitt Cola out of what seemed to be a home made mini-fridge. "Thought you'd know the deference, smart guy." Fiddleford nodded his bottle towards a stack of Fords' books, several of which were on zoology and cryptozoology.

Ford half-heartedly glared at Fiddleford before walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

This was going to be a very long semester and he'd be surprised if he made it out alive.

{I wasn't going to publish this yet because I thought I should add more chapters to Fine first but eh I felt like publishing at least two chapters of this for now while I work on Fine and two AU Fiddauthor fics.}

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