Help Eachother

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"Hey, Ford?" Fiddle?ford asked as he stared at the night sky looming above him and his friend.

"Yeah, Fidds?" Ford responded, laying in the grass right beside Fiddleford.

"When we graduate, we should get a house or somethin'." Fiddleford closed his eyes as a breeze went though the bushes and trees.

"You mean...together?" Petals from the pink dogwood tree fell. "Don't you think you'd be a bit tired of living with me by then?"

"Phfft, I'll never get tired of you." The breeze blew the petals through the air. It was as if pink fairies were dancing across a backdrop of stars. "I think it'd be nice."

"Yeah." That was the only way Ford could respond.

"I'd like to spent my life and share success with you, Stanford Pines." Fiddleford teased and giggled.

"Like as a friend or....?" Ford was tired.

"Sure, as a friend." Fiddleford smiled and curled up beside Ford on the wet grass. Ford had already fallen asleep, unsurprisingly.

This tiny hideaway had really kept them out of trouble. They both used it to calm down and relax. They cold both be alone or together, away from the rest of the world. It was also a pretty sweet place to do homework.


Fiddleford groaned as he woke up. The smell of cheap toaster waffles filled his nostrils. He chewed on the waffles that were wrapped up in a paper towel on his bedside table, not giving it a second thought. Sometimes Ford would carry him in during the night after they fell asleep in their hideaway. He also occasionally left eggos or pop tarts for Fiddleford to wake up to.

Once done, he put his glasses on, noticing a note that was underneath the waffles.

'Good morning/afternoon! Going grocery shopping after morning science. See you later!' ~ Ford

Fiddleford laughed at the fact Ford sighed his name. He got up and stretched before scratching his lower back. He checked the clock. It was already one o'clock. He sighed and grabbed textbooks and plenty of paper, pens and pencils.

About twenty minutes later, Ford was at the door, knocking for entry. Fiddleford smiled and got up to open the door. He helped Ford bring the few bags in.

"I also got us a late lunch!" Ford held up the bags of Chinese food.

"Aw, Ford, you didn't have to get me anythin'." Fiddleford sat back down on his bed.

"Well too bad because I did." Ford grabbed two plastic forks out of a bag and gave Fiddleford a take out container of the delicious smelling food.

"Thank you, Stanford." He opened the box and enjoyed his food, until he suddenly stopped and clenched up, in pain. "Sweet baby Jesus..." he said under his breath and held his lower stomach.

"Devils waterfall?" Ford raised his furrowed his brow in concern.

"Not yet, unfortunately." Fiddleford was in a lot of pain.

"Unfortunately?" Ford asked, thinking Fiddleford would be relieved.

"Well if I did start, I wouldn't have to deal with these stupid cramps as long..." Every time he moved it was painful so he sat still and held his stomach.

{Canceled} Science, Friendship, Ghosts And....Romance?Where stories live. Discover now