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I'm a 16yr old girl. I was an only child until my mom met Ricky. He has a daughter that is the same age as me. She's very pretty, but conceited and rude. We have nothing in common, so we don't get along. She's all about being fashionable and having the latest looks, she's also really into make-up. I'm into sports, video games, making memories, photography, and traveling the world. I somewhat have a personality of a boy in a girl body. My mom and I would travel a lot together so I never really had a home but now that's going to change since we're moving into Ricky's house in New Jersey.

I was packing my bags and getting ready to leave to New Jersey. I put on my Adidas sweat pants and a blue T-shirt so I can be comfortable in the plane.

"Let's go Isabel, we're going to miss the flight if we don't leave now." My mom yelled from downstairs

"Coming mom." I grabbed my suitcases and ran down the stairs as quickly as I could.

We got to the airport just in time. I was in a rush, so I was running in between people. I noticed a group of girls taking pictures with some dudes. So I decided to go around the crowd instead of going in between them. As I was about to pass them I felt something hit my head and I fell to the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you, I didn't see you." The guy said
"Well watch out next ti-" I couldn't even finish my sentence when I looked up at him. He was really attractive, he had beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile.

"No it's fine, it's my fault anyway well I got to go bye." I said as I picked up my bags and left.

"Omg Isabel how stupid can you be, you just embarrassed yourself in front of an attractive dude." I said to myself.

"Isabel sweetie, who are you talking to?" My mom said looking all confused

"Uh I-uh-I-I-uh...omg mom look at the time we're going to be late for our flight." I grabbed her hand and I started running.

We got to the plane and I sat on my seat. I instantly take out my camera to take a picture of the view I had. It's going to be hard for me to adapt to my new life, but I can't really do anything about it. I put my camera away and take out my earphones. I turned up the volume to full blast, and I looked out the window. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about the guy at the airport, if only he lived in New Jersey. I started chuckling to myself at the thought of him living in New Jersey, there's no way.
After a long flight and an annoying car ride, we finally get to Ricky's house. It was so big, it looked like castle compared to all the hotel rooms I would stay in. The front and back yards were so huge. The back yard had a huge pool with pool chairs beside it. There was also an outdoor lounge that included a mini bar. I was so excited.

"So how do you like the house Isabel." Ricky said looking at me with a smile.

"It's beautiful Ricky, thanks for letting my mom and I share this house with you and Christina." I said to him politely.

I took a tour around the house and it was beautiful. I decided to go check out my room. It was really huge and the bed was too. I now had my own walk in closet it was amazing. There were also a few clothes and shoes in there that Ricky had bought me. I also had my own bathroom, I walked in and there was a hot tub in there including a shower. That wasn't the best part for me. I had a balcony that had a view from the backyard, and I also had a bay window that had a view of the side of our next door neighbors. So I could see their front yard and someone's room.
I started unpacking my stuff and redecorating my room the way I wanted. When I finished I took a quick shower and put on some shorts and a decent shirt and I put my hair in a bun and put on my glasses that I used for reading and photography.

Through the bay window I heard Christina yelling as she was running up to this guy who apparently lived next door. She hugged and kissed him. So I'm guessing it's her boyfriend, but I really didn't care. So I grabbed my camera and went to the backyard to take some pictures.

"Isabel honey, come over here we want to introduce you to the neighbors." My mom shouted from the front yard.

"Ugh really I was in the middle of taking a great photo mom." I shouted back.

"Just come for a second."

"Fine hold up." I said as I grabbed my camera. I went to the front yard and Christina was hugging her boyfriend. I couldn't even see his face.

"Isabel, this is Lisa and Sean Dolan. They've been our neighbors for years." Ricky said to me with a big smile.

"Hello, it's really nice to meet you." I said to them politely.

"As we to you, these are our twin boys Ethan and Grayson." They both said.

I turn to them and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Christina's boyfriend is the guy I bumped into at the airport. Who would've thought.

"Hey I'm Grayson." the dude with the blonde highlights said.

"Hey aren't you the girl I bumped into at the airport." The other guy said.

"Yes that's me" I said.

"Wow who would've thought we were going to live right next to each other, I'm sorry for hitting you and its really nice to meet you Isabel." He said with a big smile I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was so attractive and had such an amazing smile, too bad he's dating the wicked witch of the west.

"It's nice to meet both of you." I said smiling back.

Ethan and I were making eye contact for about 10 seconds until the witch interrupted us.

"Ok so now that you've met each other, we can leave and isabel you can go back to whatever boring thing you were doing." Christina smirked at me

"Hey Christina this is your new sister and you have to respect her, all you've been doing is being rude to her show some manners. Oh and forget about you going anywhere because you're not, if you want to hangout do it right here." Ricky said angrily.

I was happy that finally someone put the wicked witch in her place. She's always been bothering me since my mom and Ricky met.

"But Dad, you-" but before she could say anything else, Ricky interrupted her.

"But nothing you're staying here, and you know what? how about all 4 of you hang out at the pool together." Ricky suggested.

"No!! I don't want to hangout at the pool, I'll just go to my room instead." She said as she through a fit and ran to her room.

"How about a rain check for the pool because I still have to unpack some stuff." I said to the twins.

"Yea that sounds good, how about tomorrow?" they said so nicely.

"Ok tomorrow then, bye it was nice to meet both of you." I said as I went back to my room.

I got to my room and finished unpacking what was left. For some reason I was excited to hangout with the twins tomorrow. I decided to take another quick shower. The hot water felt so good and calming. I loved taking late night showers. I got out and changed into some PJ shorts and a tank top. I went to my bay window and I saw someone in the room at the neighbors house. I looked closely and realized that it was Ethan.

He turned around and waved at me. I quickly close the curtains and jump on my bed. I can't believe he saw me looking at him. I felt so embarrassed, but at least I get a view of him from my window.

Maybe moving to New Jersey wasn't bad after all. I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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