The Contract: Part 2

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Isabel's POV:

I let him go and looked at him. "I'm not her. I'll never hurt you like she did Ethan. I'll always be here for you no matter what. I want you to trust me and let me become your friend." He looked down and thought about it.

He got up and his expression changed.

"Just because I told you this doesn't mean we're friends. You asked me why I hated you and I told you. This doesn't change anything. I still don't like you and suggest you not speak to anyone about this." He walked to his door, opened it and waited for me to exit his room.

I took a deep breath and controlled my anger.

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to stop seeing you as the asshole and fuckboy you pretend to be. I know you don't mean anything you say. You don't have to play the badass guy in front of me." I tried to get him to let me in but he didn't budge.

"I'm not pretending! This is who I am now and I'll never change. Get out and don't try to talk to me anymore!" He yelled and I knew he didn't mean what he said. I tried so hard not to tell him off. I can't control my anger when someone yells at me but I had to. I didn't want to make matters worse.


Isabel's POV:
A week later I was in 3rd period doing my work when two hands slammed on my desk.

I look up and see Ethan.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Woah since when did you get your attitude back. I thought you said you wanted to be my friend and help me." He smirked.

"I only did that because I have a big heart and I'm nice. You didn't want my help so why are you here." I looked at him and waited for him to answer.

"I was talking to Grayson last night and he told me what he was planning to do." He stopped and gave me a devilish smile.

"What are you talking about?"

"About you being my fake girlfriend to get your sister mad." He replied.

"Don't call that thing my sister again or I'll slap you." I hate when people call her my sister. I would never want to be related to her.

"I think it's a great idea for us to start "dating" for at least a month and make your SISTER mad." He laughed, left a note in my desk and left.

I opened up the crumbled paper and read it.

   Meet me at my house after school to go over the contract.
                  - your hot fuck boy
                     'friend' Ethan.

I laughed at the way he called himself a fuck boy. He's so stupid.

I kept laughing but then I stopped and look at the note.



After school I left my belongings in my bedroom and headed to Ethan's house.

I rung the doorbell and the door swung open. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me inside and by someone I mean Ethan.

We got up to his bedroom and he quickly took out a sheet of paper.

"I need you to sign this." He said handing me the paper.

"Woah woah woah, not so fast. I have to go over it first." I grabbed the paper and started reading it.

All the contract said was that in public Ethan and I will act like a loving couple. So basically holding hands, getting to school together, going on dates, kissing, etc. And if we had any kind of relationship with someone else we had to keep it lowkey. The only rule was that we absolutely cannot catch feelings for each other. I think I could live with that.

"Fine, I'll sign it." I signed it and thought about this whole situation.

"Wait, so how are we going to make it official?" I asked.

"Tomorrow in the quad I'll ask everyone to gather up and I'll ask you out." He said.

"So after the week is over who's going to break up with who?" I asked.

"About that, I actually decided that a week is way too short. We have to make it realistic so I say we 'date' for about at least a month." I thought about it and I agreed.

"Fine, but you haven't answered my question. Who's going to break up with who?" I insisted.

"I'll be the one to break up with you and I'll think about how we'll do it later."

"Fine, but why are you doing this? Is it because you actually liked Christina?" I asked.

"Hell no. I'm doing this because I'll know she's going to regret cheating on me and she'll beg me to take her back. Which I won't do. I'll just let her humiliate herself." He smirked.

"Alright, let the revenge begin. Just make sure you don't fall for me Dolan." I smirked back.

"If someone falls for the other I assure you it won't be me. No one can resist my charm so watch out Reyes." He gave me a devilish smile.

How do you think the whole revenge thing will go?

Will people actually believe it?

Will one of them fall for the other?

Hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!!! 💗


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