Chapter Six: The Break up

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              Two weeks later
I was walking into school when Becca came running towards me.

"You wouldn't believe what you just missed." She said with a huge grin.

"What happened? Don't tell me Em got into another fight?" I said chuckling.

These past few weeks I've gotten really close to Rebecca Emrald and Alex. Khloe and Meranda have been distant ever since their boyfriends got new cars they leave everywhere with them and Emily joined the school committee so we really don't see her since she's been busy.

Now its just me, Becca, Em, Alex and some of his football friends.

"No not today." She chuckled and continued. "When I came in, there was people circling around something and recording on their phones. I heard some yelling, but I couldn't see anything so I got closer and I saw your sister and Ethan fighting. Turns out Ethan dumped her." She said still smiling.

"Wow. How upsetting for her." I said clearly not caring.

"Oh shut up! You're clearly happy they broke up." She said lightly pushing me.

"And why would I be happy exactly?" I said glaring at her.

I made my way to my locker and she followed behind.

"I know you like Ethan." She stated.

"Wtf? I assure you that I have no such feelings for him other than hatred." I opened my locker and grabbed my English text book.

"Maybe you don't like him now but you will. I just see it." She laughed and shut my locker closed.

"You're crazy Becca. That will never happen and besides he's not my type." I said smirking.

"Well don't complain when I say 'I told you so' when you guys end up dating.

"So not gonna happen Becca. I don't even know how you got the idea that I like Ethan." I said and before she could say anything else the bell rang.

Thank God!

Classes were going by quickly and it was finally lunch time.

I made my way to the cafeteria when I bumped into Zoey.

"Hey Isabel! I heard you made the varsity team congrats. I'll see you at practice tomorrow." She smiled and waved goodbye.

She's so humble and I love people who are just like her. She's one of those girls who walk pass by you and smile. Those girls stay winning.

I grabbed my lunch and sat at our usual table.

"Hey Izzy." Nick said smiling at me.

Nick was one of Alex's football friends. He was so attractive. He had black hair which made his ocean blue eyes pop out. He also had a really nice smile and jawline. He was about 6 ft and had a nice structured body.

"Hey Nick Chick." I gave him that nick name because when he introduced himself to me he accidentally said his name was 'chick' instead of Nick. His excuse was that he was thinking about chicken nuggets.

Soon all the gang had arrived and we just talked and laughed about stupid stuff.

"So when's your first game Is?" Mason asked.

He was another one of Alex's football friends. Mason was about the same height as Nick and had the same body structure as him. He had light brown hair, freckles under his eyes and on his nose and the brightest green eyes. He was sweet and a little shy for a football player, but I found that really attractive.

"Friday." I simply replied with a smile.

He smiled back and continued talking. "I'll be there for sure. You can't play a game without your number one fan can you?" He lighlty blushed and I chuckled.

"Absolutely not, I'll be looking forward to seeing you there." I smiled and continued to eat.

I noticed that Becca and Em kept looking at me and I furrowed my eyebrows at them.

After lunch I made my way towards fifth period.

As I was about to walk in I felt someone grabbed my arm and suddenly everything went pitch black.

Here's a new update! Thanks for the reads and votes! I love you guys. 💗

I'm debating whether I should make a YouTube channel and post videos, but I feel like nobody would watch them.

Have a wonderful day or night. It depends when you're reading this! 😂


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