Chapter-1 a new life with a new chief

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Yay, another new book I'm so happy right now. Anyways, I don't want to bother you guys.


"Operation was a success."I said to Seohyun, while we were eating ramen in the cafeteria where only doctors and nurses are.

"Good to hear, three weeks ago the opposite happened. I feel bad for the Kang family."Seohyun said in a sad tone, I looked at her.

"Seohyun-ah, Mrs.Kang was 87 years old. She suffered a lot with her diabetes. God didn't want her to suffer."I said to her and she nodded. Jessica came and sat next to me.

"Where are the other girls?"Jessica asked us.

"Shikshin, hyoyeon and sunny are having a day off. Tiffany and Yoona are in the middle of an operation. As for Yuri I didn't see her at all."I said, and they nodded.

"True? Where's Yuri-Unnie."Seohyun said and we nodded.

"Maybe she's also in the middle of an operation."I said.

"By the way Taeyeon how is that new doctor?"Jessica asked me, while I was eating my ramyum.

"Oh,.. That new doctor who's now our new boss. Well,.. He's alright, but I accidentally gave him the tweezer instead of the scalpel. Because he said tweezer."I said in a little bit of anger.


"Ms.Kim it's time now for the operation."a co-worker said I nodded, as wore my gloves to get rid of bacterias.

When I entered the operation room, the patience was in oxygen mask. There was another doctor in front of me. I had that clueless face.

"Doctor.Kim this is our new doctor who will be our new boss then."The nurse said I nodded.

He looks familiar. We started the operation, I was sometimes staring at the new doctor, his eyes looks like Baek- Wait no dot mention his name.

"Tweezer."He said, that voice? I  handled it him.

"I said scalpel."That man said, I raised an eye brow. I didn't want to argue with him, because we are in the middle of an operation.

Some nurses were laughing at me, because of the mistake. Mind your own business. After the operation I had a break and went to the cafeteria.

Flashback ends

"Well,.. Some girls said that he was handsome, well actually the nurses."Jessica said to me, in a wondered tone.

"Unnie you are married."Seohyun said to her.

"I know Seohyun, I'm just curious. That's all."Jessica said to me.

"Well,.. I didn't see his face at all because, of the mask but, who cares. He gives me the fault even thought he was the one who said it wrong!"I said in a childish tone.

"Aigo, taeng. No wonder why your behavior is like that. Still single."Jessica teased me and I glared at her.

"Just because you two got married."I said to them.

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