Chapter-13 pregnancy test

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This chapter might contain A LOT OF GRAMMAR MISTAKES!!


Hyeran, she thought and realized that it was the girl from his phone. Taeyeon was awkwardly standing frozen, and didn't know what to do. Meanwhile Jessica and Seohyun did the same thing, until Jessica broke their hug.

"So you two know each other?"She asked them, the girl who's name was Hyeran nodded so did Baekhyun. They decided to do their conversation in the cafeteria. While they were talking Taeyeon prepared some tea for the guest. She might felt an aching on her heart, but Taeyeon decided to be kind to her.

"Thank you,"The girl said and gave her kind smile, Taeyeon smiled back which was actually a fake one. Jessica found it amusing seeing two rivals fighting for one guy. As for Seohyun she found it awkward. Hyeran took a sip from the tea, while baekhyun started to introduce her to them.

"By the way Seohyun, Jessica and Taeyeon. This is Hyeran, a friend of mine back in the states."Baekhyun introduced her, they also introduced themselves. When it was Taeyeon's turn to introduce herself, she noticed that Hyeran was looking at her not in a good way neither a bad way. It suddenly became quiet, until Seohyun talked.

"Well, I didn't know that my brother was having a friend in the states."Seohyun said, Hyeran smiled at her.

"At first he was hard to approach, he said that someone broke his heart. I guess that might be the reason,"Hyeran said, Taeyeon felt guilty when she heard that and looked at Baekhyun who was taking a sip from his tea.

"What was her name again?"She said and thought, Baekhyun and Taeyeon felt embarrassed when she said that.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"Taeyeon interrupted her. She didn't want her to know that Taeyeon was the one who broke his heart, but it seems like that baekhyun finally recovered. But she didn't want him to remember that, because their relationship to each other got better.

"Well, I actually wanted to talk with Bacon alone. So may you three excuse us,"Hyeran said to them, the three of them didn't know what she meant, until she did a fake cough.

"Oh, sorry we will go."Seohyun said, the three of them stood up. Taeyeon somehow didn't want to leave these two alone here, after the message which she read from his phone. It seems like that Hyeran wanted to confess him something.

"Is it that important, that they even have to go?"Baekhyun asked her, it seems like that he didn't want them to go.

"Yes,"she said honestly, so they left them alone. Before walking away Taeyeon and baekhyun had an eye contact. She somewhere felt betrayed, although their relationship is past. She didn't want them to be alone.


"What is it?"He asked her but, in a kind way. He didn't want to sound annoyed or impolite, because she came from America. And later on came to Busan all the way just to see him. Baekhyun wasn't unhappy to see her, more like surprise that she came really. He didn't expect her to come the next other day, Hyeran smiled at him.

"I-I've been thinking about you the whole time,"She said to him, baekhyun was clueless and didn't know what to say or what she meant by saying these words.

"I will go straightforward Bacon,"She said and took a breath, baekhyun didn't even realize that Hyeran is going to confess her to love him.

"Byun baekhyun I lo-"

"Hey guys we are he-"A loud deep voice came behind them, it was Chanyeol who interrupted their conversation.

"Oh, sorry guys. I didn't want to disturb you, but the children are already hungry."Chanyeol explained, after that Baekhyun and Hyeran stopped their conversation.

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