Chapter-17 break up

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Reminder this is a flashback

"So you're dating my son right?"Taeyeon got surprised that the father of Baekhyun and Seohyun picked her up from the medical university. They had never really talked, although she had been dating Baekhyun. She knew that his father was unpleasant with their relationship.

Baekhyun and his father never really got a good relationship.

"Yes, sir."She said.

"Break up with him,"His father said, Taeyeon got surprised by his words. Because, never really cared for his own son. Taeyeon couldn't believe what his father just told her, she wouldn't want to break up with him. Baekhyun told her a lot of stories about the consequences which happened with him and his father. Most of them were sad and horrible.

Taeyeon choked her own saliva. At first she was kind of scared to ask, it took her a lot of courage.

"W-Why?!"She asked him, Taeyeon never really talked with him. She didn't think that these words would come from Baekhyun's father, he didn't really care much about his own son.

"Because, your family is going to be bankrupt."He said, Taeyeon didn't really know what Baekhyun's father meant. She didn't even know that her family has financial problem, so that why they didn't contact me.

"Speechless? Your family got bankrupt because, of us. And your father he's currently in the hospital, because of the stressful things which is surrounding him."Mr.Byun said, Taeyeon didn't know that. Her parents told her not to contact her because, they told Taeyeon to focus on her education.

The car suddenly stopped in a hospital.

"He's in room 6F."Mr.Byun said, Taeyeon took her seatbelt off, she immediately went out the car and saw lots of interviewed with cameras. They suddenly went to Taeyeon and wanted to give her some interviews. She refused it and ran inside the hospital.

They were all shouting her name.

Kim Taeyeon!

She couldn't hold her tears, she went to the elevator and pressed the floor F.


Taeyeon, was walking through the hallway and saw a room 6F. She really hoped that, it wasn't true what Baekhyun's father said. The door was half opened so she looked at it.

So it was true, was on her mind when she saw her father with her mother. Her father looked very weak which really hurt Taeyeon, she felt guilt not being able to always watch out for him while she was away.

Her phone suddenly rang but, it was on silent.


She refused to take his call and went inside to the room, where her parents were. They were surprised to see their daughter, after a long time, her parents knew about her relationship with Baekhyun.

"T-Taeyeon?"her parents said, Taeyeon felt guilty not contacting her mother and dad. If she would have known that they had financial problems, she would have helped them. Although she still in the university studying medicine.

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