Blood Sacrifice: 7. Little Girl

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Seeing in front of me that there is a witch family is making me sick. Thinking the fact that we are going to hang all of them to their deaths make me want to vomit.

"You three, family Adept have been caught using black magic. They were teaching the young one so she can live on her own in the future." A guard says who's standing by the family of witches. He grabs the sac that's over the man's, ripping it off to reveal his face.

He is a large man, in muscles of a way. He has a long dark beard and ocean blue eyes. They are large in fright and I bet Xavier can hear his heartbeat from where he is standing. They pull the sac off of the women and she winces in fright, slowly lifting her head up to see us.

She's breathing deeply, her long strawberry blonde hair flowing over her face. She moves her head side to side to move it away and release her also bright blue eyes. She is very petit in fact as if she hasn't eaten for a long time.

Eventually they move the sac off of the young child's and she cries for her mother. It's a full family of blue eyes. The girl has the same strawberry blonde hair as her mom's but the same hard features at her father's. She can't be over the age of ten.

"Adept family is going to be executed for being witches and hiding all this time."

The mother cries for her daughter, the father is silent as if he is disappointed. I look up at Alexander who is standing besides me. They grab the father, untying the robes on his wrists and the guards leading him to the edge of the stage.

I don't know why the witches aren't fighting with their magic. I guess they can't stand a large group of bloodthirsty vampires. They have a noose made out of rope. Ever since they have been finding witches, this is the way they kill them. Hang them to their deaths.

This is actually my first time coming here to see a family silence to their deaths and I can't stand the thought of having the child die also. Two other guards pick up the mom who is trying to move away from their grip. Her daughter is still tied down on the chair, screaming for her parents.

Xavier wraps his hand around mine but I grow furious, pulling away from him. I stand in front of Alexander so I grab his attention to me.

"Why are we killing witches? Is there a reason why we are killing them? A good reason?" I rushing for an answer before they kill the whole family in front of me. Alexander brings his faded green eyes down to me and sighs.

"They are a large threat to us, to us vampires. They always have for centuries."

"But now they aren't doing anything!"

"Do you want me to bring up about Walsh trying to kill you?" Xavier jumps in our conversation and I shake my head.

"No but he was fucked up in the head. These people did nothing wrong."

"Black magic, Diana. That's a big threat. They can talk to the dead."

"But..." I pause, turning to look at Antonia. Her fragile glassy eyes run up to mine and I frown. "Is there a reason why Jean wanted all of them dead?" I ask her and she opens her mouth to talk. Before she can answer I hear noises behind me and screaming. I snap my head back to the stage to see the father's body hanging in the air.

I cover my mouth in shock, seeing his body hanging by the noose around his neck. The mom is crying and screaming while the daughter is calling for her dead father. I try to keep my eyes away from the sickening view but I can't.

"You all will die!" She screams, trying to still stand on the stage. The guards are behind her so they can push her off. "He is coming back! He's going to get his thrown back!" She adds in rage before her feet slip off the stage and she hangs in thin air. The daughter screams for her mom while her mom is trying to gasp for air but she can't because the noose around her neck is stopping the breathing and is choking her.

"What was she talking about?" Xavier says and Alexander furrow his eyebrows. Antonia gasp at her words, covering her mouth and scurrying away from the room. Without another word she is gone.

Lastly, the guards grab the young girl. The noose is so high that they need to pick her up. I can't have them kill a young child. Especially that she might have answers from her mom's words.

"No!" I shout, running up to the stage and jumping on it. Xavier chases after me but I push him away. "Let her go!" I scream at the guards and just because I'm their new Queen, they obey.

They pull the noose off of her neck and drop her to the ground, disgusted by holding a witch. She slams onto the ground, right between her hanging dead parents.

She curled up in a ball, bawling in her hands. I look at Xavier with pleading eyes when he grabs me again. He purses his lips before letting me go so I can go to the little girl. I slowly walk to her small fragile body, kneeing down.

"Hey, come here it's okay." I whisper to her, everyone in the room quietly watching me. I slowly crawl to her like I'm going to a baby kitten and trying not to scare it away. She slowly lifts her head up, her blue eyes rimmed red from crying. I nod my head to her, giving her a small smile. She realizes that I'm just an innocent human, slowly lifting her body up from the ground.

Suddenly she leans up to me, crying into my chest and squeezing my arms tightly. I kiss her head, whispering to her that everything is going to be okay. I turn my gaze to Xavier who is besides me with pity in his eyes. He nods his head to the guards, the men taking the dead bodies down and placing them onto the floor.

Alexander runs out of the room to go find his mother after she scurried away.

"They are dead, they are dead." The girl cries in my chest, her eyes squeezed shut.

"It's okay, they are at a better place now." I whisper to her and she lifts her head up to me, glancing in my eyes.

"Are they going to kill me too?" She asks with her small voice that seems to vanish in thin air. I shake my head, running my fingers over her hair.

"No, I won't let them." I pause, licking my lips. "I just need answers from you if that's okay?" She looks around the empty room, darting her eyes to Xavier who's creeping behind me then back to me.

"Yes, I will."

"Great, let's go somewhere cleaner and better okay?" I say and she nods her head, burying her face at the crook of my neck and wrapping her arms around me. I pick her up, carrying her off the stage and out of the sickening room.

I take her up to the mansion also going to the kitchen to get her something to eat.

I'm sorry guys this is so late! I'm late with this and my other books besides The Lovely Bite.


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