Blood Sacrifice: 11. Ice Cream Mania

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We make it back home and May runs inside the mansion, sprinting down the hall and trying to hide from us. Poor girl wants to play but none of us are in the mood too. She takes the hint and frowns, pouting her bottom lip and crossing her little arms over her chest. 

"Cheer up, baby girl." I kneel down to be eye level with her. I run her arms and she loosens her stiff stance. "Go in the kitchen, the maid will get you ice cream."

"Ice cream!" She cheers and I smile, nodding my head.

"Yeah, run along." She turns and sprints down the hall, cutting to another hall and disappearing. I stand up turning about and bumping to Alexander. I gasp, taking a step back and checking if Xavier is anywhere around us but he isn't. 

Alexander gives me a half smile, brushing down his pants and buttoning his jacket. 

"What are you going to do with that young girl." He asks me and I shrug. 

"She doesn't really have a family anymore. You guys did kill her parents." Pity seems to wash up on his face expression but he soon clears his throat. 

"Things happen, Diana. I am sad that that did happen but they happen for a reason." He pauses, running his hand through his blond hair. "If it wasn't for that little witch child we wouldn't have known that my grandfather that I have never met is alive... and after us."

"Well that old man can try and get us but he won't be able to." I chuckle at my comment and Alexander brings his gaze to mine.

"Don't underestimate a vampire." I roll my eyes because I've heard it before from Xavier. "Especially an older one. The older, the stronger." 


"And we don't know what power he has. He can have more supporters than us and vampires can go against us. Apparently he was a very powerful vampire."

"And where did you hear that from."

"My mother. She knows, it's all her fault."

"So if he does come, is he going to come after your mom?" He shakes his head.

"He's going to go after Xavier." My mouth drops and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What? Why?" I pause, choking at my words. "That-that doesn't even make sense." 

"I know but he is the King right now. My grandfather is probably going to want to take over the thrown so he's going to throw off the person who is."

"Probably... you said probably. So it might not even happen."

"It's a chance though unless he does go after my mother because of what she did to him." I sigh, pulling my hair back in a ponytail. 

"This is ridiculous." I shake my head, rubbing my hands over my face.

"If he comes after me I will be one hundred percent sure he won't be walking on this earth ever again." Alexander and I turn around to see Xavier standing at the end of the hall. He starts walking towards us and stops besides me. His bright blue eyes are sharp and concerned. He's angry, I can see it from his jaw clenching.

"I'm not saying anything negative right now but if you are saying that now, there will be a war."

"Okay, let there be a war, we'll win."

"But vampires and humans will be in danger." 

"Well that's the definition of war right? Everyone is involved, even the civilians who don't want to be." I get into their argument, turning to face Xavier.

"Xavier we don't want people to die, that's the thing." He shakes his head.

"Then I don't know what to tell you. It's that or wave the white flag in defeat and get ourselves killed." I rethink of what he says and I turn to Alexander.

"He has a point." I say to Alexander, siding with Xavier at this moment. Who knows I might change my side to Alexander's if he can resolve this problem. Alexander sighs, trying to think of something to say. 

"I'm not saying to hand ourselves to death, we just need to be prepared and ready to fight." I nod my head and Xavier looks into my eyes. I give him a soft assuring smile that everything is going to be okay. He slowly intertwines his hand with mine.

"You're right, we need to be positive about it. We need strength."

"We do have guards here."

"But not all of them is going to save us."

"We need more people."

"I can work on that." Alexander says.

"No- no I got it, I'll call and contact people." Xavier says to him.

"It's fine, let me do something for once. I'm bored just walking around and doing nothing these past months." I think of ways to have a strong army and it clicks in my head. 

"Guys, don't forget about May."

"What about her?" Xavier furrows his eyebrows and I want to smack him because he sounds like an idiot.

"She's a witch, if we train her with the powers she has, she can defeat anyone." 

"You're right." The brothers say at the same time. I smile at my smart thinking but suddenly it's cut short when we all hear screaming. A maid comes rushing down the hall, running to us with her arms flaring in the air.

"She's crazy!" She screams before running past us. We all look at each other with confusion before running down the hall. The brothers use their vampire speed and vanish while I use my own speed to reach the kitchen which had the banging noise. 

I barge in only to stop with wide eyes. 

May is sitting on the counter eating ice cream from a bowl but that's not what caught my attention. There's melted ice cream everywhere on the ground and spoons floating in the air. I walk near her, gasping at the rainbow sprinkles floating in the air. I touch them but they slowly float away. 

Syrup is also swirling around her and some is smeared on the counter besides her. There's vanilla ice cream all over her mouth and it seems as if she's in a trance. I don't blame her, it's ice cream. 

"May." I call to her and finally she snaps from her zone and looks up at me, her eyes dilating. Everything that was floating falls onto the ground, the spoons chattering, the syrup that was floating above her falling on her head, chocolate syrup dripping from the strains of her hair. 

Suddenly two loud bangs appear behind me and when I turn around I see Xavier and Alexander on the ground. They both groan in pain, slowly rolling onto their knees and getting up. 

"That little bi-" Xavier was about to say but Alexander cuts him off.

"We tried to stop her but she made us float on the ceiling." I look up to see syrup stains all over the perfect white ceiling and syrup off over their clothes. I try to hold in a laugh because Xavier has this pissed off look on his face. 

"We are going to have to train her." I say with excitement because the things May can do is unbelievable. I turn back to face her and she's smiling at me, a cute innocent one. 

"Yep, we definitely are going to have to train her." Xavier growls back. I roll my eyes, walking up to May and grabbing her. I place her on my hip, carrying her while walking up to Xavier. Alexander leaves his side and walks to the phone that's attached to the wall, calling cleaners to clean up the mess. 

I grab Xavier's wrist, licking the chocolate syrup off his cheek before giving it a quick peck. 

"Let's get you guys cleaned." I whisper in his ear which makes him follow besides me.



I actually enjoyed writing this chapter. LOL



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