Blood Sacrifice: 23. An Alliance

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Alexander decided to go train May with the Grimoire Xavier found last night. I asked him to help her because I wanted to run some errands with Xavier after I spoke to Antonia.

Xavier still seemed a bit distraught from yesterday when I said that Juliet was alive. I still can't get the visions out of her trying to kill me with black blood and dark eyes.

Xavier drove as we headed back to my hometown during the day. First I wanted to see if my parents were home even though they basically kicked me out last time. I want to explain to them what the Dagger family and me are up against and that it can be dangerous.

Next I wanted to go see Sheila maybe confront her from her crazy witch talk from last night and ask for help. May is young and not that powerful, maybe Sheila will join and help.

We pass what was once the school I went to last year. There was nothing there but ashy wood and a deserted plain. There was people and trucks surrounding the area, picking up the remains and tossing it in a big dumpster.

"You okay?" Xavier ask, stopping at a stop sigh and turning his head to me. I look away from staring at the burnt down school and nod my head.

"Yeah it's just crazy you know. You know someone or something and then in a second it's gone."

"I understand." He turns into the neighborhood and eventually we end up in front of my parents house. A car is parked on the narrow driveway. I sigh before getting out when Xavier turns the engine off. We both walk side to side up on the yard and onto the porch.

I ring the door bell twice before waiting. Soon I hear voices and movements inside before a figure appearing through the blurred out door. They open it and I'm greeted by a long soft smile on my mother's lips.

"Oh my god Diana." She huffs out before grabbing me and hugging me. "I'm sorry."

I hold onto her for as long as she holds me and I'm embraced in my home's sweet smell of honey. "I'm so sorry." She cries, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Is everything okay?" I ask after we pull away. Xavier walks inside the house after they share a greeting and she shuts the door.

"Just from yesterday with the school burning down and all, most human homes are on lockdown. Everyone's terrified because they think it's-" She stops when she gazes at Xavier who's standing behind me. She looks over my shoulder before looking back at me. "-Well you know."

"It's fine-"

"-I was just scared if something happened to you."

"I think you're much more important because it basically happened a couple of blocks away from you." She brushes her fingers over my cheek and smiles.

"I'm just glad you're okay. Come into the kitchen. I baked sugar cookies this morning." We all head to the kitchen and sat there was dad feeding Quinn in a baby seat. Quinn wide eyes turn to me as she laughs and slam her hands onto the table. 

"Hey dad." I walk up to him as he hugs me after placing the baby food he was holding on the table.

"How are you." 

"Fine but not hundred percent okay." Mom slowly walks besides dad and Xavier stands next to me. I explain to them what's been happening and they sat there with no expression on their face. 

"Baby, you should stay with us. You can get yourself killed." I move my hand towards Xavier's and I grab onto it.

"I'm sorry but they're my family too. I can't leave them like at." Dad sighs as he cradles Quinn in her arms. 

Blood Sacrifice: SEQUEL TO BOUND BY BLOODWhere stories live. Discover now