Blood Sacrifice: 8. Vampire King

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I watch her drink the glass of milk I gave her. We are in the kitchen and she's sitting on a stool at the island while I'm across from her. Her cheeks are dried with tears and luckily the cookies I gave her calmed her down.

"What's your name?" I ask her after staring at her for a while. I didn't want to jump in quickly and ramble her with questions because she just watched her parents die.

"May." Her raspy voice says and I smile.

"May... what a beautiful name." Her bright eyes gaze up to mine and they soften.

"Thanks." She stuffs another cookie in her mouth and I bring my eyes behind her. Xavier is standing at the doorway, mouthing to me if he can come in. I nod my head and he makes his way in. May hears him behind her and she gasps in fright but I softly place my hand on her small delicate arm.

"He's not going to hurt you. He's a good guy like me." She stares down Xavier when he makes his around the island and besides me.

"Mama told me to don't be friends with vampires."

"Xavier here is a good vampire, trust me." She sighs, drinking the rest of her milk.

"Can I have more?" She asks and before I can grab it, the cup slowly slides across the island and stops in front of me. My mouth drops open and Xavier smirks.

"I guess she recently started to get magic." He says while chuckling. I was going to grab the glass but Xavier does and goes to the refrigerator for more milk.

"Okay May, we need answers please."

"Mama told me to don't tell secrets."

"No but we need to know these things so we all can be safe." I pause. "And I will protect you with my life." She looks down at the granite and I don't know if she understood what I meant. She's too young for all this kind of talking.

"Okay." May responds when she sees Xavier place a new glass of milk in front of her. I look at Xavier so he can ask the questions because he knows more than I do. He walks besides me again and smiles at her.

"So May, why was your mom saying that he's coming. Who is coming."

"The Vampire King." I furrow my eyebrows and Xavier shakes his head.

"No because I am the Vampire King."

"Nope, it's um-uh..." She presses her fingers on her forehead as if she's trying to remember. "Oh! It's Edwin Desmond." Xavier chuckles mostly to himself.

"That is no one I know." She gulps down her milk and shrugs.

"That's who mama and papa were trying to free. They were trying to get the tomb open so..." May pauses from talking and snaps her head to the side. She's staring at nothing but it seemed that someone was besides her and we couldn't see. She slowly nods her head then brings her attention back to me. "Sorry but I can't say."

"What do you mean you can't say?" I jump in.

"Destiny told me not to." Xavier slowly leans his head towards my ear.

"She's talking to the dead. They don't want her to tell us what they are up to." I nod my head understanding what's happening. "May, we really need to know and these dead witches aren't going to help you if you get into a really bad situation." Xavier slowly adds to her and she bites her bottom lip.


"Please." I mutter under my breath and she sighs.

"Okay. I don't know where the tomb is but he promised to keep all the witches alive if he comes back."

Blood Sacrifice: SEQUEL TO BOUND BY BLOODWhere stories live. Discover now