Blood Sacrifice: 21. Hallucinating

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All I thought of while watching her get ready to hit me was if I'm actually seeing her. She died before the building burned down. There was no way anyone can get her body out. We even tried ourselves after putting out the flames.

I was quick enough to dodge her hit, ducking down and stepping aside. When she misses she hits the tree besides me. Bits of bark fly across the air and the tree cracks from the sudden hit. I gasp at how hard she swung and I thanked myself for not freezing.

After the incident when I got plunged with a knife and when King Jean and Juliet died I trained with Xavier to get stronger and faster. Now that I'm around vampires more often. So if something like this ever happened I can at least try and fight off a deadly bloodsucker. But now that I'm face to face with Juliet who's supposed to be dead I'm startled.

I take a couple of steps behind her and Jesse is still on the floor cracking his arm back to normal. Juliet pauses for a second and looks at her hand. Black blood is oozing out of her open wounds on her knuckles. I gag at the view but it soon escapes from me when the cuts heal. Although the black blood remains on her pale porcelain skin that's illuminating from the moon's light.

Her head snaps towards me and my heartbeat starts to race. She hisses at me, her fangs long and sharp and noticeable in the darkness. Nobody who are at the burning school scene has yet been aware of what is happening to me and Jesse. They're so far yet so close to reach. If only I can scream...

Juliet rushes to me with a deep growl but before she can touch me Jesse quickly grabs her from behind. He wraps his arm around her neck and Juliet tries to fight him off. Even though Jesse is a male, Juliet is somehow stronger. I never knew her as a violent person but now she seems like she wants to rip everyone's throat out.

Jesse throws her aside while her body rolls on the dirt and gravel. She shoots back up and he doesn't hesitate to take out his gun and use it on her. He pulls the trigger multiple of times and the bullets fly to her chest. It seemed as if the bullets felt like nothing to her and she was only stiffing from the force they came through her flesh and bone.

Black blood was oozing out of the holes the bullets created and staining her perfectly white top. She was a monster and her humanity that I knew was gone. It was just a trick in thinking that it's actually her. Jesse didn't hesitate when he fully realized who it was also. He knew that she died by getting her heart ripped out and burning in flames. The girl that's standing in front of us isn't Juliet.

"Diana!" Someone screams from far. We all stop and Juliet turns her head to where the voice came from. Suddenly she blinks a couple of times before rushing out of view with vampire speed. "Diana!" Someone runs to me with vampire speed and I yelp in fright from it's pair of hands grabbing me.

Jesse didn't know who it was so he tosses his gun onto the ground and tackles the person who grabbed me. They both fall onto the ground and Jesse climbs on top of him to keep him down.

"What are you doing!" After all the movement was over, Xavier was pinned down by Jesse. He was the one who rushed to me. My breathing calms when I see more guards rush towards us. I see a little figure and it's May who excitedly runs towards me.

I kneel down and I catch her in my arms, running my fingers through her long soft hair. She squeezes me tight and we pull away as I stare into her eyes.

"Don't vanish like that ever again." She nods her little head in silence.

"I'm sorry King Xavier I-I didn't know it was you." Jesse says with a sigh and stands up. He helps Xavier up by grabbing his hand and lifting him. Alexander comes besides me and slowly gazes into my eyes.

"Diana you're pale. Are you okay?" Everybody brings their gaze to me and I run my hand over my chest still feeling my heart racing. Xavier grabs me into a hug and I look at Jesse when I rest my head against Xavier's shoulder.

"Guys I know this may sound crazy but Juliet was trying to kill Jesse and I." Xavier pauses from running his hands over my back and steps away from me.

"What?" He furrows his eyebrows and I try swallow the bile forming in my throat.

"She's right. Juliet was here before you guys came."

"That's madness! Juliet died, she is dead." Alexander adds but it seemed like it was hard for him to say it.

"I know but she's back! She has red eyes a-and her blood is black." I turn to Xavier who was standing in front of me with his eyes wide. "What if there's a witch that brought her back."

"Impossible. You can't bring back someone from the dead. Especially a vampire."

"But we may not know that. I just found out my  dead best friend was a witch. Her mom is one too and she said something like she does white magic." Xavier eyes Alexander and they stare at each other for a while.

"Diana maybe you hurt your head-" Xavier tries to calmly say approaching me but I take a step back.

"No! I-I'm not hallucinating. Jesse saw her too in the flesh. Fighting us almost knocking my head off clean. I may be new to all this vampire -witch stuff and maybe you guys don't know enough either."

"We had a witch living in our mansion for decades! We easily know-"

"Maybe your grandfather is involved with this. If the witches got him out they could have done other things. Things we won't be able to handle. They're playing with us and maybe they think bringing Juliet back as the bad guy is going to make us hesitate and back down." I turn to Alexander who is sadly looking back at me. "Because I know you wouldn't want to kill her, right?" He looks away and I turn back to Xavier.

"Momma used to tell me that whenever she went to the witches graveyard she was able to siphon power to create a bigger energy of black magic from the dead." Everybody turns their head to little May who's standing besides me.

I gesture as her with my hands and I stare at Xavier. He's quietly looking back with soft broken eyes.

"Please if you won't listen to me as least listen to the little girl who is a witch." I plead because I'm sick of them trying to make everything seem alright. Nothing is okay because we are in danger and no one is safe.

"Okay okay let's just go because we're catching people's attention." Xavier sighs and we turn our heads to the crowd of people staring at us. Some lights are shining towards us in curiosity of what we're doing near the football field.

I grab May's hand and I start heading towards Jesse's car.


I wonder what other chaos is going to happen in the story! Lmao I love acting like a reader not the author.

I'm slowly recovering from my surgery but it's a pain in the butt. At least it's spring break and I don't have school this upcoming week :)

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