Blood Sacrifice: 28. Dust to Dust

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Alexander's POV:

I cough roughly, spitting the blood remains out of my mouth. My split lip heals back to normal flesh. I twist my tied wrists together, the chains tightly on them.

"That's the best thing about vampires. You can heal so quickly that I can torture you over and over and over again." The man that I used to call father spits in rage. His face is inches away from me. We're in the basement and poor May is still locked in the cell. She's watching from behind with terror in her eyes. 

No child her age should be going through this especially watching someone get beaten. I stare in her little eyes with pity of dragging her in my family problem. He swings again and his fist connects with my lower cheek. I groan from the force before locking my jaw back in place.

"What are going to do? Beat me until you get tired?" I look up to his bloody eyes. There's no humanity left in him. He smirks, wiping the black blood stained on his hand against his jeans. 

"Unless I'm approved of killing you. I'll think of a gruesome way of ending your life." I smile to intimidate him because I'm not afraid of him. Although he looks like my father deep down he's nothing but a dead man. I run my tongue over my fangs nodding my head. 

"Not if you're dead first." I mumble under my breath and he leans closer to me. I mumbled so he doesn't hear. 

"What did you say?" He brings his head to the side so I can whisper in his ear. I reach forward and I clamp my teeth on his ear. I bite down so hard I draw rotten blood between my fangs. I grind them together and he yelps, pulling away. His ear rips off of his head and I spit it on the ground. 

I chuckle to him, licking black blood off my pearly white teeth. May stares at his detached ear that's on the floor in front of me. My father grabs the side of his head, blood leaking through his fingers. 

"You little-" He stops when the door opens and comes down the stairs is Dylan. I can't turn my head because my arms are up at each side of my head because they're tied from the ceiling. 

"What the hell happened to you?" Dylan starts, kicking the flopped ear across the room. 

"He bit my ear off." 

"Hah, that's why they say don't get close to your enemies." My father scowls at him. 

"And that's what you exactly did which got you killed."

"Fuck off." Dylan ends the conversation after walking away and approaching May's cell. She cowers back in fear, her dirty hair covering her face. "Now what are we going to do with you?"

"You leave her out of this. She's just a child."

"Calm down Mike Tyson I'm not going to bite her." He says referring to me as the boxer that bit his opponents ear. "Maybe Edwin will have an idea." 

"Give me back my powers." May finally speaks up, standing up from sitting in a ball. 

"Not going to happen sweetie." She pouts while crossing her arms over her chest. I try to move my arms around but they're still tight. Someone else walks down the stairs and Ethel comes in my view. 

"What are you guys doing?"

"Why do you care? Shouldn't you be busy torturing Xavier?"

"Took a break from him. For some reason he just doesn't like backing down."

"That's my brother. He's the biggest dick." Ethel checks me up and down but doesn't see any wounds. Only dried blood on my face. 

"I was just wondering what we're going to do with May." Dylan points at her fragile body behind the cell. 

"Oh May are you scared?" We all look at her and May frowns. 

"I'm afraid Ethel." 

"My baby come' on." The cell magically opens from her spell and May slowly walks out. From teaching May many spells I hoped she knew something she can do now. We make eye contact and I nod my head.

"May, grab her!" I shout and I swing my leg across Ethel's. She's swept off her feet and collapses onto the ground. May grabs her and Ethel tries to pull away. May closes her eyes and the connection between their touch ignites with a light orange glow. 

"NO!" Ethel screams when May runs towards the stairs. My father races to go grab her but I grab the chains and I pull myself up. I bring my legs between his neck and I throw him into the ground. He slams hard with a groan escaping his lips and I turn my head to May. 

"Run! Get out of here!" May whispers under her breath a spell and her body disappears in thin air. 

"Where did she go!" Dylan shouts to Ethel. Under my feet is my father trying to break loose. 

"She took some of my magic and put an invisibility cloak on herself!" I ignore them and I stare down at my father. I pin one of my feet over his chest and I press down. His ribs break apart and I'm sure I plunged a lung. He gasps for air and I stomp my other foot down on the front of his throat. So hard that I decapitate him. His head flies off his body and black blood spews on the concrete ground. 

However, I'm stunned when his body and head turn to dust. There is no remains of what was his body besides the blood on the ground. My mouth is wide open from what I just saw. Ethel stands with anger and brings her hand up towards me. The chains twist and turn tightly around my wrists and I'm pulled off the ground.

I grit my teeth together from the pain of my skin splitting from the chains and I watch my blood run down my forearms. I hiss at Ethel when she stands inches away from my face. Dylan is behind her with a shook face of terror because my father just vanished in dust. My feet dangle in the air and my arms hurt from the pressure of having them hung up over my head.

"I knew you were the smart one in the group. I think it's better if you just rot down here by yourself." I smirk at her without saying a word and she heads towards the stairs. Dylan follows behind and I float there all alone in agony coursing through my body. 

"Have fun explaining to Edwin that you lost my little witch. Guess you'll end up dead next." I can't see them but I know that she stared dagger at the back of my head. The door slams shut and I'm alone with utter silence. 

I hope everything that I said to May before the attack gets to her and she returns to save us. 


Hello! I know it's short but it's something. Thank you for staying till the end!




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