Blood Sacrifice: 25. Meeting The King

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I groan when I lift my head from off the ground. My neck is so sore because it was cranked awkwardly when I was out unconscious. I try to use my hands and legs but I can't because they're still tied up with rope. I lift myself up and I sit on the cold concrete ground beneath me. 

"Diana!" I flutter my eyes open when I hear Xavier call my name. He's leaning against the thick metal bars that's separating us. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and I look around my surroundings. It looks like we're in a dungeon. There's small windows up high on the walls but have bars over them so no one can escape.  "Diana did they hurt you?" Xavier asks me and I turn to him. 

He's locked behind a cell but in a different section than me. Beside him is Alexander who is also awake and behind them is Antonia. Where's Jesse? They all are still tied together just like me but with steel chains. I look in my section and I didn't realize that May's petite body is curled in the corner. She's still out cold. 

"No I'm okay. They didn't do anything to me." I say, still staring at May worried. I see her chest move up and down and I thank God for keeping her alive. It feels like we're in a basement because it's cold. Old rusted pipes above us are dripping with water. It's dark besides a light lit where the stairs are. It's a large room with other cells next to each other. No one else is down here besides us. "Where are we?" I ask and they all turn to Antonia. 

She gazes to me with worn eyes and large bags under them. I think she's still shocked from seeing her dead husband alive... well more like awoken from the undead. I wait for her talk but when she opens her mouth nothing comes out. She's so ruined to the point that she can't speak. 

"Mom, come' on." Alexander says to her roughly and she takes a deep breath. 

"We're in the castle I grew up in that's been abandoned for years. It's called Hawthrone. About two hours east from our home." I lean my head against the bars separating our cells and I sigh. 

Suddenly I see May starting to move and she stretches before sitting up. She looks around before her eyes widen scared. Before she speaks she sees me and crawls to me. 

"Diana where are we?"

"Sh it's okay. We'll be okay." I can't hold her besides stroke her hair as she places her head on my chest. 

"Wait, May can you get us out?" Xavier asks and she looks at him with her wide blue eyes. She faces her hands towards the large lock on the cell door and closes her eyes, trying to concentrate. 

"She can't do magic. I took it from her and stored it somewhere very safe." Someone says and May stops from trying. We all turn towards the stairs and a figure comes out from hiding in the dark and approaches between both of our cells. It's the witch that I last saw in the mansion before they took me. There's a long smile on her red lips and she tilts her head towards May. 

"Hi baby, remember me?" She says and May leans closer to me. 

"Ethel." She lets out from her small parted lips. 

"Mommy and daddy would be very mad if they saw you here working with them." She strongly says with anger in her voice. 

"Shut the hell up you freak." I spat to her and suddenly I'm dragged towards the bars that's closest to her without my control. I'm dragged by my knees and it feels like someone's gripping at my throat. I start to gasp for air and May screams my name. The Dagger's in the cell next to me watch in alarm. I stare at the witch in front of me while gasping for air. 

"Don't tempt me little girl." She threatens me before ending her control on me and my body hits the ground. May crawls to me to see if I'm okay and I nod my head to her, smiling to assure her that I'm okay. 

Blood Sacrifice: SEQUEL TO BOUND BY BLOODWhere stories live. Discover now