Blood Sacrifice: 19. Demands Don't Usually Work

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It felt like a lifetime driving back to my hometown. We took Jesse's car and he agreed to drive there. I couldn't stop thinking about Antonia crying, Xavier and Alexander trying to find May and the burning school. In the dull night I see thick smoke clear ahead in the sky. 

I couldn't stop shaking my leg and staring at the clock next to the radio player. Jesse brings his eyes away from the road and stares at me. Without a word he leans back and tries to reach for something in the backseats. 

"What are you doing?" I exclaim to him because I'm scared he's going to drive off the road and into the ditch. He tries to multitask until tossing me a piece of clothing onto my lap. 

"So you can change out of that bloody shirt. Don't forget we're going to be in an area with thirsty bloodsuckers who won't hesitate to pounce on you." I lift up the clothing and it's a white tee-shirt. It's a bit big but I don't mind. He's right, I'm going to lure vampires near me. "It's not that I'm not going to protect you if any do but one against many will be hard." 

"I guess it's bothering you." I mutter while slowly taking off my shirt. I'm in a sports bra but I don't feel uncomfortable changing next to Jesse. "But you have control." I add after putting on his shirt over my body. I tug the hem of it in my shorts so it doesn't fall over them and look like I'm not wearing any pants. Jesse puts his blinker on and merges right, turning to my town. 

"Well I don't agree on the controlling part but you're marked by King Xavier. His scent is on you and I can't do anything about it." He replies honestly and I look down at my shirt that's on my lap. I frown, lifting it up to my nose and inhaling deeply. Jesse chuckles and I embarrassingly put it back down. 

"The scent part is only noticed by vampires. Humans have weak senses so you won't be able to smell it." I nod my head understanding because when I smelled my shirt it smelled like nothing but my own scent. 

When we reach my town the streets are dead with cars but crowded with people. They're all walking towards the high school and Jesse is honking so he doesn't hit any pedestrians. It's dark out so no one really knows that I'm inside the car. They think it's assholes being rude and honking to get by. 

Teenagers are fooling around and running across from us, my fear is hitting them or getting into an accident. I start to dig my nails into my thighs, growing anxious and remembering the accident my mom got into because of me. 

We drive pass the street my parents house is on and I feel like it's hard to breathe. Some people are hanging out in the middle of the street. I wonder if my parents are one of them...

"I'll park here and we can walk." Jesse recommends, finding a parking spot and pulling to the side. 

"Okay it's not far." I reply back moving my hands away from my thighs and seeing deep red marks. I bite the inside of my cheek and I rub my thighs for a bit, hoping the redness will go away. Jesse turns off the ignition and gets out, walking around the car and opening the door for me. People notice that Jesse is one of the guards from the mansion because of the way he's dressed. 

With one hand he has his gun clenched and with the other he's holding the door open. I sigh, hopping out and the burning stench of ash and fire runs up my nostrils. I haven't realized in the car but when I jump out my eyes are buzzed with smoke floating in the air. 

"Do you have your phone with you?" Jesse asks me after shutting the door and locking the car. I shake my head after remembering that my cell phone is in my bedroom. 

"Okay I'll inform King Xavier we're here." We start to walk with the large group of people marching to the burned down school. From far there's red and blue blinking lights from police cars and ambulance vans. People are realizing that it's me, Diana Wilson, the vampire King's Queen. They point and whisper to each other, my ears ignoring their comments. 

"Don't." I grab Jesse's wrist and he stops from almost clicking Xavier's name. "He'll get very mad and I don't want him to stop finding May just to come here."

"I'll tell him that you'll be okay with me. Don't worry, Xavier knows I'm well-prepared for anything that's coming ahead." He turns to look at me and I bite my bottom lip before sighing. 

"Fine go ahead. Do what you think is best." I eye Jesse and he still hesitates from clicking his name. His thumb is hovering over his name. 

"But as a command from you, as my Queen, I won't call him." 

"No Jesse don't do that make your own decision Don't pull that 'as my Queen' shit." I say honestly and he looks down at me. 

"Before I agreed to this job I made a promise to listen to yours and King Xavier's commands." I sigh, feeling bad for him and I grab his phone out of his hand. I click Xavier's number and it starts to ring. He looks at me stunned before I place it back in his grip.

"Fine, as your Queen I command you to tell him." I exclaim back and before he can argue with me, it seems like Xavier picks up because his eyes widen. 

"Hi- um- King Xavier. I-I just want..." He stops talking and I watch him, wondering if the reason why he stopped is because Xavier is talking. "Oh no! Diana is okay she didn't drown in the tub-" He awkwardly says while chuckling to himself. I hear Xavier laugh and I can't help but smile. The smell of smoke is stronger now because we're getting closer. The sound of a helicopter is hovering over us, a large light flashing down what seems is the burned down school. "Oh okay I'll tell her." Jesse adds before covering the part where you speak into the phone. "They found May."

"Oh my god that's great!" I cheer and Jesse puts the phone back to his ear. 

"What's that? You're coming home?" He loudly says and I bite the inside of my cheek. "Well that's a problem... Diana won't be home when you arrive." He quietly replies, scratching the back of his neck. I stare at Jesse and his face expression changes from being normal to terrified.

"Hang up!" I inform because I know that Xavier is probably blowing up on him. Jesse is trying to form words to reply back but he can't. "Hang up!" I say loudly, causing people around us to stare. 

"We-we're-" Jesse tries to say where we are but I cut him off when I grab his arm. We stop from walking and I try to grab the phone but he's a vampire. Which means he is stronger than me and holding me off isn't going to weaken him. "We're at William J. Andrews High School!" He screams before I grab the phone and end the call. 

"Are you serious!" I exclaim to him and he yanks his phone from my grip. He goes back to normal in being the strong scary looking guard. 

"He wanted me to let you know that you're in big trouble." I roll my eyes, grabbing his arm and rushing my way to the school. 

"Then let's make this quick." I mutter to myself while cutting through the crowd of people. 


It's been a while!!

There's a reason why I haven't updated. Long story short I tore my ACL and sprained my MCL so I'm getting surgery on Friday. Also I can't play sports for six months and I'm extremely upset.

I'll be back soon!



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