Blood Sacrifice: 18. Raging Honesty

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Diana's POV:

I chew on the inside of my cheek anxiously waiting for everyone to come back from searching for May. It's been two hours and I'm still laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I slam my hands down onto the covers in frustration and I get out of bed.

I stretch my legs and I sigh, walking towards the large window. I stare outside into darkness, there's nothing to be seen besides bright lights down town that look like twinkling stars.

Someone knocks on the door before entering without me saying a word. I turn to see who it is and it's a maid, she's holding a glass of water. She looks at the bed and realizes I'm not there until she sees me standing near the window.

"Oh my Queen! You shouldn't be up right now. You lost a lot of blood and your body needs to rest." She exclaims, putting the glass down on the nightstand before rushing up to me. She grabs my arm and starts to tug me back towards the bed.

"No, I'm okay." I pull my arm back and she turns to look at me in concern. "I'm hungry, I'll just go to the kitchen to grab something to eat."

"Okay I'll whip up something for you."

"No it's fine I can do it myself. You can change the sheets or something." I gesture towards the white sheets that had my blood on it from my wound.  The maid looks at me then to the bed before nodding her head.

"Fine carry on." She starts to take off the sheets on the bed and I slowly make my way to the door. I open it and two guards are standing side by side next to the door. They both look at me and I frown at them before walking by and down the hall.

I arrive down the stairs and I can't stand the amount of guards following me around. I want to tell them to stop following me but even as their Queen, I feel like they won't listen. They only listen to Xavier's demands if it's about taking care of me.

"Please guys stop following me around." I beg, turning around and making them stop walking. They all look at me with a bland expression and I roll my eyes. "I'm serious I'm not going to burn myself cooking food. I promise." I add and they all start going their own separate ways. I thank them while they leave and I go back to making my way to the kitchen. I guess they do listen.

I start taking out the waffle maker and I take out the mix too. I start to mix the products I need in making the waffle mix in a large bowl until it becomes thick and creamy.

"You need help?" I turn around to the voice and it's a guard. He's young and new, I remember Alexander saying his name before. Jesse. I give him a soft smile while grabbing the bowl and walking to the waffle maker.

"No I'm good thank you through." He places his gun on the island and sits on one of the stools.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine but these waffles will make me feel better." I reply back and he snorts at my comment. His blond hair is gelled back and his brown eyes are bright with excitement. He's really tall and skinny, nothing about him is buff.

"I guess you are really hungry because you didn't even bother to change into cleaner clothes." I look down at my clothes before realizing that I still have blood on my shirt and chest.

"Shit I forgot." I awkwardly turn to him and he smiles. "If the blood is bothering you I can change if you want." He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"No, no it's alright. It doesn't bother me." I sigh in relief while opening the maker when the waffle is done. I put it on a plate and I go to the freezer, grabbing the vanilla ice cream.

"Good because I'm actually lazy to go back up those long stairs and change."

"My judgement is that you are a lazy human." After plopping a large spoonful of ice cream on my waffle I turn to him, licking my fingers.

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