Blood Sacrifice: 2. Let The Games Begin

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We all walk together through the boardwalk, coming to face the six volleyball nets next to each other on the sand. People are around them, playing volleyball and there's speakers with music playing.

"Oh god I missed volleyball so much." I say while I stop from walking. I haven't played beach volleyball since last summer. It's my drug. This is the only fun thing humans can do. No vampires can play because their strength and speed, it's unfair. They can watch from the sides though. It's the best thing humans love to do.

"I know me too, come' on. Let's get our team signed up." Jill says while we all walk off the boardwalk onto the sand. There was a tent where the people who do these tourney's are at. Jill signs us up and the people give us all a free t-shirt. We all surround a spot near the volleyball nets where we can have our food and rest there.

Jill looks down at the paper they gave her and she smiles.

"We are playing in twenty minutes. We are versing team Helmet." I look at the crowd and at the people who are wearing their team shirts. I see a group of people peppering together, passing the ball and their shirts say Helmet. I wonder why there team name is Helmet until I see a guy wearing a helmet on their team.

Maybe he got a concussion and when he plays sports he needs to wear a helmet. I chuckle at the thought until I turn to Jill. She is taking her shirt off, adjusting her bikini to cover everything. A group of vampire guys pass by and whistle at her. Jill rolls her eyes, ignoring them while sitting down on a beach towel Zara took out for us to sit.

I whip my shirt off too fixing my sports bra before leaning down on the towel. Mackenzie is already putting on sun lotion because she doesn't want to get burned. Nina seems like she has fallen asleep already.

"What is our team name?" I ask Jill who is looking around.

"Vampires fuck off." She says and I furrow my eyebrows but I realized she was joking. She was speaking to the group of vampires who are hanging around and watching us. I awkwardly turn away, trying not to make eye contact so they can leave us alone. "Well, I named our team Volley Gods."

"You're kidding right?" Zara jumps in and I start to laugh. Jill shrugs, looking at everyone play.

"Nope because everyone should know that we can kick everyone's ass here."

"Very true but we don't have any guys on our team. Every team here legit has boys on their teams."

"Yeah, you should have brought Sean." Zara adds and Jill rolls her eyes.

"Oh so funny." I bud my shoulder against hers, making her smile.

"Come 'on, I know you guys have a thing together."

"Just give me the definition of a thing." She asks me and I was ready to talk until a speaker interrupts me.

"Will team Volley Gods and Helmet meet at net four. Your game will start soon." The speaker dies and I turn to the girls. Nina lifts her head off of the towel and groans while we start to get up.

"Okay girls, we need to win this. Let's do it." Jill says to all of us while she slipped on her sunglasses. I put on my sand socks so my feet don't burn on the sand and get blisters. We start walking to net four until one of the vampire boys make me stop.

"I know you ladies can beat their team. Sports bra chick, hit me up after." I turn around to the three boys, walking up to them.

"No thanks. I don't think you'd like to get into a fight with my boyfriend, Xavier Dagger." I spit back to him and a smirk forms on his lips.

"Xavier Dagger huh? He doesn't need to know. So I am guessing you are the famous Diana Wilson." I take off my sunglasses, giving him a bitchy smiley face.

"Wow, good job thinking through that thick skull and realizing that." I reply back before turning back around and jogging to my friends. We reach net four and we go on one side, passing our volleyball to each other to warm up before playing. I look at team Helmet again and there's two boys on the team.

One is very tall and who is wearing the helmet. The other is large, looking like he lifts weights. I watch them bump the ball around and they are alright. We can do better. Eventually it was time for our game to start. The other team got serve so we needed to receive it. We all split in our positions and I was up front. Nina was our setter and next to me is Mackenzie. Behind is Jill and Zara. 

I know, we have five people and there's six to play. We didn't have anyone else but we will survive. It's just one missing player. We all get ready when a girl serves on the other team and Zara went to get it. The ball was coming short so she totally hits it the other way, no way for us to get it. There goes one point.

"I'm sorry, I'll get it next time." She says to us and I nod to her, telling her it's okay. The other team is cheering, clapping each other meanwhile they didn't even do anything.

"We got this." I whisper to myself, hoping we do got this. The girl serves again, her serve going down and hard, coming right down to Zara again. Zara bumps the ball up to Nina. Nina skids on the sand, setting it backwards to me. The ball is high up in the air, perfect for my height. I do my set up for spiking the ball.

Taking a step back, two double steps, up in the air with my arms. Swing.

I spike the ball hard, a big smack through my ears. It goes down on the other side, the tall helmet guy getting low to reach it. When his extended arms hit it, he swings his arms up, the ball flying behind him. The other guy runs to save the ball, jumping onto the sand, smacking the ball up. No one could reach it and the ball lands on the ground.

All of us cheer, getting in a small circle and tapping each others ass. Volleyball problems. One of the guys rolls the ball under the net and onto our side. It's Mackenzie's serve.

"This is going to be a long game." One of the guys on the other team says to me. I chuckle at his comment, getting low to the ground.

"Hell yeah." I respond back before Mackenzie serves the ball over.


Hope you guys liked this chapter.

Sorry, it's volleyball probs.



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