Blood Sacrifice: 36. The Throne

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I sat on the edge of my bed, my fingers fiddling with the hem of my shirt. I was finally able to take a bath and let the hot water loosen my muscles. At one point I zoned out while watching the dirt and blood flow off my body and down the drain. Until Xavier knocked at the door, asking me if I was okay because I was in the bathroom for too long.

I waited for him to come back into our bedroom after talking with the guards. It was night and the moon hung below the clouds. The door opens and I look up to Xavier who has a serious look on his face.

"Is everything okay?" I ask nervously, thinking something has happened and flipped his mood. His back was facing me because he was silently closing the door. Suddenly he turns and there's a huge smile on his face.

"I am fantastic." He responds before running to me and tackling me onto the bed. I laugh while he pins me down attacking me with kisses all over my face and neck. I grab his shoulders and roll over, climbing on top of him.

I intertwine my fingers with his and I capture his lips with mine. I bring my hand to his groin, feeling him up and down. He groans at the sensation, trailing his lips down my neck. I was drained before but now, my adrenaline is over the roof.

He pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it aside before kissing down my stomach. I clench onto his hair, tugging at the sensation. It feels so good to have him touch me, hold me, grab my skin and never letting me go.

I pull his shirt off and unbutton his jeans. He helps me take them off before pulling my sweatpants off in one swift. Eventually we were naked and what held us together was our warmth.

He pulls away from a kiss and pulls my hair back. I smile down at him, staring into his eyes.

"I love you, Diana." He whispers and my cheeks grow red, my smile so bright.

"I love you too." I add, running my thumb over his lips. He's kisses it before bringing it into his mouth. I chuckle, allowing him to climb on top and bring my legs over his shoulders. Xavier places his hands next to my hand and thrusts himself inside me.

I moan at the feeling, tugging him down to feel his body closer to me. As we made love, it was something so euphoric and personal. Something enduring but soon coming to an end.

As we lay in bed together, the sheets tangled between our legs I run my hand over his bare chest. His eyes are closed, relaxing at the motion. I bring my gaze up to him and once I said his name he opens one.

"Sheila asked if we can make an announcement, allowing all the witches to come out and be able to practice their magic." Xavier grins at me before turns his body towards me. He tucks a strain of hair behind my ear and sighs.

"As much as I think that will affect the entire world, I'll do it." My eyes lighten up with hope and I prob myself up with my arm.


"Is this why you took such a good, long time sucking my-" I nudge him against the shoulder, laughing at what he was about to finish.

"Stop, oh my god no. That was to make you feel better." I lean in for a kiss before pulling away. "But she also asked for something else. She wants to raise May."

"No, she's like my kid now." He snaps without thinking and I purse my lips into a thin line.

"Xavier, I know. She's very important to me too but I think it'd be for the best. We can visit whenever or she can come over anytime. Sheila has kids around her age as well. Plus she can teach her white magic instead of black that her parents tried teaching her." I state while Xavier looks away. He thinks about for a while before sighing.

"You're right. It'd be better for her."

"I think it would." I agree. Without another word Xavier grabs me and pulls me onto him. I lay my head on his chest while his fingers play with my hair.

"Just know one day you'll be an amazing mother to your own kids." He adds and I smile, even though he can't see.

Three days later, after discussing what Xavier and I will be proceeding to the news across the entire world about the witches to Sheila, she agreed to everything. What was hard was telling May she'll be leaving.

"No, Diana! I don't want to go." She hugged my legs tightly, before I kneeled down.

"Baby, I will come visit, we'll be able to do everything you want. Shelia will help you and raise you right to be a strong witch." I wipe the tears off her rosy cheeks. She silently cried, understanding what I'm saying from nodding.

"You promise to see me everyday?" She asked, running her sleeve across her nose. I smile, straightening the bow in her hair. I tried not to cry, thinking about losing her.

"Yes, I do." May jumps for a hug and behind her stood Xavier, a smug look on his face. I frown, holding her in my arms and wishing she doesn't let go.

"Diana," Xavier starts and May pulls away so I can stand. "It's time." He adds and I nod. Outside the mansion is a podium and down the stairs stood hundreds of humans and vampires. News reporters upfront with cameras, videos and vans to put us live on every channel. Alexander walks out first, people cheering for him and cameras flashing.

This is the first time everybody is having a glimpse of us since we've been kidnapped by Edwin and the witches. Aside from me visiting my parents the following morning we got home, however, no one stopped me.

"And your King and Queen, Xavier and Diana Dagger!" An announcer says, moving away from the podium. We walk out, the guards allowing us to move forward. People are cheering for us as well and my eyes are blinded by the flash of the cameras.

Xavier is used to this mostly, waving and giving that cheeky smile to grab everybody's attention. We didn't say anything for a bit, waiting for crowd to quiet down. Once it became silent and you only heard the rustling of the wind and the cameras clicking each shot, Xavier and I looked at each other.

"You go, you're the Queen, go start the action." He says to me while using his head to point at the microphone. My heart starts to race, nervous for what to say. I feel something touch my hand and when I look down he hands me a folded piece of paper.

Damn you Xavier, you are slick as always.

I grab the paper and I proceed to the podium. The microphone squeaks and I adjust it to my height. Xavier walks beside me, placing his hand onto my lower back. I unfold the piece of paper and I skim though it. Everything Xavier and I discussed about was written on it.

I look up to the crowd, everybody eager for what I am about to say.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen," I start, licking my lips to begin my first speech as a Queen.



Thank you everybody for this crazy ride. If you guys didn't enjoy it at it's most, I recommend reading Bound By Blood and Blood Sacrifice straight after.



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