Podrick Payne X Reader - Woman of the woods: Part 2

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"What would your name be, my lady?" Podrick panted, struggling to keep up with you as you quickly climbed up the wooded hill, his feet sliding as he attempted to get a good foot hold, making every step that little bit harder for him.

"I am not a Lady, but my name is Y/N," You told him, moving quickly as you ducked under low hanging branches and avoided any thorny plants. You really did look in your element in these woods, and even Podrick could see that. "If you want to get to town before sun up you will have to hurry," you told him as he paused to catch his breath against a tree.

"Why must we rush? I'm awfully tired," he responded wiping the sweat from his brow as he drank from his container.

"Because," you started softly, "if we take too long, we are in danger of being mistaken for deer and being hunted," you spoke so matter of factly that it left Podrick a little startled. "But if you are tired then we could obviously risk that," you added rolling your eyes as he shot up and started to walk quicker, making you chuckle.

"Why do you know these woods so well?" he asked once you had settled into a good pace once more, making you look in his direction, still silent. "I was just wondering," he added, watching you with utter curiosity painted onto his face.

"My Father used to hunt and fight out here before he and my Mother passed, he was a very progressive man and I was his only child, so he taught me," you told him, leaving behind a sickening silence which seemed to encompass the whole of the woods around you.

"I'm sorry" Podrick murmured as he let the silence grow more dense.

"How did you lose your friend?" you asked suddenly, breaking the silence instead of letting it engulf you. You weren't normally one for small talk but Podrick seamed like he thrived off of it, so you were willing to make an exception.

"We ran into this man and she had to fight him, I ran off to find the girl we were supposed to be searching for and couldn't find my way back to the path I'd left her on," he told me looking a little embarrassed as he watched you start to climb up the steep hill with ease.

"Who were you searching for?" you asked as you reached the top, looking down at him as he shook his head.

"I cannot say," he uttered softly, "but the man Brienne was fighting was a good warrior, a guard to the King; he could have killed her for all I know," he told you quietly as he watched his feet, trying to find a hold to use to climb the steep incline, you reached down, grabbing his arm to help hoist him up.

"If Brienne is half the woman you seem to think she is, I am sure she battled him her hardest and knocked him into the dirt," you told him as you began to walk again, quickly coming to a clearing. When you looked in more detail you could see lights and the outlines of huts through the thick line of trees. "Town is right through there" you pointed out, smiling up at the boy. "Good luck in your search" you added as you turned to leave.

"Stay with me Y/N," he exclaimed suddenly, grabbing your hand to stop you from hurrying away. "I don't like the idea of you out there alone." 

"Are you worried about me Podrick? If I was a Lady I'm sure I would be flattered," you teased as his cheeks reddened at your words. "Thank you for your concern, but I will be fine, I've been traveling these woods for years, they are my home," you smiled, gently pulling your arm from his grip and walking back into the trees, disappearing from sight.

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