Stannis Baratheon X Tyrell!Reader - Duty: Part 2

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It had not been long since you had married Stannis, but you had begun to slowly grow closer to him, despite not yet consummating your marriage. 

Only a month after the wedding, Stannis' brother Robert wanted to come and visit on business and had decided to bring his family along with him. That, in itself, came with even more squires and maids, all of whom would litter your home with their presence. You were not pleased to have so many people coming at one time, and Stannis had known this as soon as he had told you of the plan.

"They shouldn't be staying here for long," he had told you, "only a few days before they move on to Winterfell." He knew how to calm you already, his course hands running up and down your arms as you both looked out of your chamber's window. "I promise it won't be nearly as bad as you think," he added, kissing the side of your head gently. Stannis was always very affectionate with you, and you had come to close to sleeping together in the past, only for you to back out when things had become too intimate.

"Fine," you muttered, releasing a deep breath,  "but you can be the one to plan everything," you told him, turning to lift an eyebrow in his direction, a smile playing on your lips. His eyes suddenly shot open, causing you to release a stunning laugh at his expense as he started to splutter, trying to find some reason he could not do such a thing. " Would I ever allow you to suffer that fate?" you asked him, you lips twisted up in an amused smile as he started to relax again. You moved past him to the door, calling out for your handmaiden to come in and draw you a bath. "When do they arrive?" you finally asked Stannis, who watched you moving gracefully around your room.

"Tomorrow evening," he told you softly, "they never usually do this sort of thing on such short notice."

"Our queen wants to prove that I am not as good a wife as she is," you chuckled, shaking your head."She likes to think of herself as the best at everything she does, and if I don't thoroughly impress with a beautiful evening of entertaining, she will have won." You moved towards your husband with a smile, pulling him down into a kiss. "Unfortunately for her, I don't enjoy losing." 

"There is no  doubt in my mind that you are already the best wife in the Seven Kingdoms," he murmured through his smile, before leaning down to kiss you once more. "I will leave you to bathe, My Love," he muttered against your lips, hands squeezing your hips lightly before releasing you and walking out of the room.

*Time Skip*

You and Stannis were standing by the front of your home, awaiting the arrival of the royal family. He had your hand in a firm grip, squeezing it gently and lifting it to press a kiss there soothingly when the gates opened to allow his family entry into the court yard. The parade came to a stop, allowing the King to climb from a carriage, followed by Cersei and their three young children. They all seemed rather uninterested in you and Stannis, other than King Robert who pulled his brother into a quick hug before tilting his head in your direction, watching as you did a short, well-rehearsed curtsey.

You smiled at Cersei softly, taking a step in her direction before coming up short. "You must all be tired," you started softly,  "why don't you come inside and rest before we dine?" 

The family followed you into your home, watching as Stannis pulled a chair out for you, receiving a small smile from you as you sat down. He quickly came to rest in the seat beside you, his hand taking yours once more. 

Robert came to sit beside your husband, leaving Cersei and the children to find their own seats. As they all got comfortable, Stannis and Robert began to talk of his visit to Winterfell, and of Eddard Stark, the King's closest friend. You smiled at Cersei, who kept a bored expression on her face. 

"Your Grace, Can we offer you some wine?" you asked, your voice soft as you ushered a serving girl to bring it over. Cersei nodded but remained quiet, as the girl filled both glasses and left the table to fetch some Ale for the men. "I hope your journey wasn't too uncomfortable. The roads can grow so tiresome around these parts," you told her, struggling through her silence to try and receive some recognition.

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