Bronn X Reader - Home and Away: Part 2

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He had promised to write to you every week. Bronn had promised you he would not forget to write to you, that he would find the time to send you something, even if it was the shortest message possible. For the first two weeks he had kept his promise, his letters arriving in good time. He had never been to expressive with his emotions and you didn't expect that to change in the letters, all you needed was a scribbled note would make you happy to let you know he was okay. But, the third week come and gone without a letter, and now, you were desperate for any hint of communication from your husband.

From then on you would stand at your window, your daughter sat on your hip as you both watched out for him or his letter silently. You often sat for hours at a time waiting for him but to no avail. It was not until the fifth week of his absence that you heard anything, you were stood at your kitchen table, chopping up vegetables for a stew when there was a knock on your door. You quickly wiped your hands on your apron, checking on your daughter, Lysa, as you made your way towards the door.

As it swung open you were greeted by your husband's friend, Tyrion, a man full of wit and kindness. "Lord Tyrion, what are you doing here?" you asked, worry clouding your mind. Bronn couldn't be dead, he had promised you he would come home to you and he would never break that promise. But you had not heard from him in three weeks, another promise he had broken to you, and for the life of you, you couldn't think of any other reason for Tyrion to be standing in front of you.

"Bronn asked me to come to you, Y/N," he told you. "May I come in?" he asked and you ushered him through the door of your quaint house before leading him into the kitchen.

"Where is he, Tyrion?" you asked him after a moment of silence.

"He is on his way, he asked me to come and tell you he was fine, he knew I would get here quicker than him," he told you as relief flooded your face.

"You scared me half to death, you silly, little man," you cried out, throwing a raw carrot in his direction. "I thought he was dead, that was evil," you added as he began to laugh lightly, you soon joined in. "How long will he take?" you finally asked as the laughter died out.

"Only a few hours, but he did not want to shock you by turning up on your threshold without due notice." You nodded, still burned that Bronn had not contacted you himself. "He had good reason, Y/N, he wouldn't have left you out of the loop otherwise," he comforted you, placing his hand on your arm. "Now, I must go and visit my Brother and Sister, I'm sure they will be absolutely out of their mind with worry," he told you with a smirk, making you laugh lightly.

"Of course, Tyrion, send my love to the queen regent," you smirked making him chuckle again, "Thank you for coming," you added, and he responded with a small nod and a smile, leaving you to finish making dinner, now for the three of you.

*Time Skip*

By the time there was a short, quiet knock on your front door, it was already late in the evening.  You quickly ran from your spot at the kitchen table, tearing the door open to reveal Bronn giving you a sheepish smile. You almost knocked him off of his feet as you launched yourself into his arms, not giving him time to brace for the impact. You pulled back kissing him repeatedly as he started to chuckle, relief flooding his face at your reaction. "I thought you were dead," you spoke finally as you held his face in your hands. "I didn't think I would ever see you again," you told him again as tears started to brim in your eyes. He noticed your face suddenly turn to anger, "You promised to write and I thought you were dead," you finally snapped, slapping his arm softly, as he pulled you close to him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I tried but the weather was bad and my parchment got ruined somewhere near the Twins," he told you as he cuddled you close, kissing the top of your head, "I'm so sorry," he murmured again, as you relaxed into him.

"You're an idiot," you told him with a chuckle and he finally smiled again. "I love you," you added, looking up into his face.

"I love you too, darling," he said, pressing his lips to yours in a long, emotion-filled kiss, until he heard Lysa start to cry in the other room. You moved to go and get her but he stopped you, "Let me get her, give you a chance to finally relax," he spoke softly, kissing you a final time before disappearing into the house to give his little girl lots of cuddles.

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