Oberyn Martell X Reader - Threat (Requested)

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You were strolling through the open halls of your home, overlooking the beautiful Dornish gardens which were fully in bloom, filled with the bright summer colours. You were thinking, as you looked out through the arches, that you had never been this happy. The maester had told you this morning that you were with child and you were excited to tell your husband Oberyn later this evening. You had been married for over two years, but you had never been able to fall pregnant and you were both starting to lose hope in ever having a child together. Of course, Oberyn had his daughters from Ellaria, but it would never be the same if you could not birth him a legitimate son or daughter of your own.

You paused, leaning against one of the stone arches to watch as people scurried around the gardens, some tending to the flowers, others following around the other lords who lived here. They ran around like they were in a maze, mindlessly doing their tasks as you watched on undetected by them. You were shaken out of your thoughts by a voice which caught you off guard. "Y/N, a little birdy told me you had some big news," Ellaria spoke, you recognised her voice as soon as you heard it, quickly spinning to face her as she leant against the edge of one of the arches.

"You could say that," you uttered with a small smile, though her face did not seem all too happy with the news. You stood up straight as she looked you over, your arms moved to cross in front of your stomach, you weren't showing yet but you felt the need to protect your stomach from everyones stares, especially hers.

You both stood in silence for a moment, her eyes watching you closely as you tried to remain calm under her gaze. It was no lie that you had never gotten along, you had married the man she loved, the father of her children, and she had continued sleeping with your husband, as she always had. It was safe to say that the feeling of distrust and loathing went both ways and people could easily understand why. But you both had come to terms with the fact that the other existed, as Oberyn was unlikely to get rid of either of you.

"You know he will never love this child as much as he loves our girls," she hissed at you, her face full of distaste as she watched you roll your eyes and scoff as she shifted her weight to glare at you.

"Oberyn has wanted us to have children for a long time," you started, giving a small shrug. "And we both know that your girls can never be ladies, Ellaria, they can't further his bloodline like my children can," you continued, watching as her face contorted with anger.

"Don't talk about my girls," she growled, advancing on you as you backed away a step, pressing your back against the stone wall as you watched her move even closer to you.

"You don't scare me," you told her, though you voice gave you away as she shot out her hand to push you backwards, still holding onto your dress to keep you in place as she bent you backwards out through the arch to leave your upper body hanging over the gardens. "Ellaria, stop it, what are you doing?" you begged her, gripping the hand which held you over the edge.

"You don't deserve him, he shouldn't love you," she spat, tears welling in her eyes as her grip on you loosened slightly, causing you to grab hold of her tighter. "He loves me," she yelled again as she leant you further back causing a whimper to escape your throat.

"Please Ellaria," you cried out, tears escaping as she began to laugh at you.

"Look at you, you're pathetic," she continued to laugh watching as tears ran silently down your face. "He won't even care that your gone, Y/N," she exclaimed, "he won't even notice you're gone."

"Ellaria," you heard his voice break the silence and her hold loosened again as she turned her head to look at him, like a panicked deer. "You will not hurt my wife," he told her and she quickly pulled you back up slightly, allowing you to grip onto the wall and pull yourself upright. You shoved her away from you before rushing to Oberyn's side, as he checked you were okay you noticed the guards standing behind him. "Take her to the Great Hall, I'll decide what to do with her after I've helped my wife to her chambers," he told them, turning to look down into your face, as if asking if you were okay.

"I'm fine, really, she just scared me," you paused for a moment as Oberyn leant down to press a kiss to your brow. "Can I come with you?"  you asked as his hand softly caressed your tear stained cheek, before giving you a small but strained nod.

"Of course," he told you softly, linking his arm through yours. "Why was she hurting you, my love?" he uttered as he lead you out towards an empty hallway, away from the other men.

"The maester told her that I was with child, and she got angry at me for taking you from her and the girls," as you spoke his face remained emotionless and when you finished talking he pulled you into his arms, giving you a tight hug as you buried your face into his neck.

"You are with child?" he asked and you gave a small nod without moving away from his embrace. "She is responsible for attempting to murder not only you, but our child, and she is going to be punished for that," he told you, as he pulled away to walk to the Great Hall.

"Oberyn," you started, drawing his attention back to you. "Don't be too cruel, if it were the other way around I would have been angry with her too," you told him grasping at his arm to stop his movement. "Please" you added as he looked into your eyes, thinking for a moment.

"Alright, I'll allow you to make the final decision," he told you, reaching out to take your hand in his and starting to walk down the hallway.

*Time Skip*

"Ellaria Sand, You are stand charged with the attempted murders of both my Lady wife and our unborn child, the punishment for which is exile from Dorne. On any other occasion, you would have faced execution, but my wife had come to me asking for your safety. How do you plead?" As Oberyn spoke, Ellaria looked to you, her eyes filled with tears.

"I plead guilty, My Lord," she started softly, lip quivering as she paused. "The way I behaved was unacceptable, and I apologise for my behaviour." The tears started to spill over now. "May I make one request?" she asked and your husband looked to you as you nodded your agreement. "Please care for my daughters, as you would have if I was here," she murmured, eyes locked directly on yours.

"I will not let them want for anything, they will be kept safe and continue with their training. You have my word," you finally uttered, a frown pulling at your lips.

"Thank you, My Lady," she told you as she allowed her head to fall, staring at the floor as she was dragged from the Great Hall and out of the city as you watched on.

Many people would say that you had won in this situation, but you couldn't help but feel guilty. You had taken the girl's mother from them, though they seemed to understand why it had to be done. You made sure to keep your promise, caring for the girls as if they were your own daughters.

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