Theon Greyjoy x Baratheon!Reader (Part two)

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"Shit," you muttered as you wiped your muddy hands on your dress. You knew this would end badly; why had you felt the need to venture out of Winterfell on your own?

You had been riding just fine until you had come across a small deer that had startled your horse, sending you flying to the ground as it galloped away from you. And now, you were Gods know how far into the woods, on your own, with no horse to get you home. It wouldn't have been so bad if you were armed, but no, you had decided that you would be fine without a weapon. A stupid decision really, and one you should have made more carefully.

You sighed deeply as you resigned yourself to the long walk you had ahead of you, heading back the way you came through the trees, and begging the Gods that they would lead you safely to Winterfell.

Theon would be so mad. He always told you not to leave without some sort of protection; claimed you didn't understand the danger you put yourself into. You always joked back that it wasn't fun if there wasn't a little bit of danger but he never found it as funny as you did.

When you finally stumbled out of the woods, you found yourself stood at the base of the tall stone walls that encased Winterfell. You quickly went to work, digging your fingers into the crevices as you scaled it. Once you were sat atop it, you saw Theon almost immediately, pacing back and forth across the courtyard as Robb tried to calm him.

It was safe to say that you regretted your lonesome excursion but there was no going back now. The damage was already done.

You quickly leapt down onto a hay bail, moving swiftly over to where your husband was waiting, ready for his anger to bubble up.

"Theon," you spoke up softly from behind him, watching as he span on his heel, his face turning to relief as he pulled you into his arms.

"Y/N. I thought you were dead, you stupid girl," he growled as he held you tighter, breathing in your scent as he buried his face into your hair.

"I'm sorry," you murmured as he rocked you in his arms. "I thought I would be all right but the horse threw me," you explained quietly as you felt Theon press his lips to your forehead.

"It doesn't matter; all that matters is that you're okay," he told you gently as he pulled away, straightening up to face his friend who was smirking at the two of you. "I have to go and find Lord Stark and let him know that you've returned. I'll find you soon," he added, giving you a final light kiss before hurrying away.

"Gods," Robb laughed loudly as he came to stand beside you, still smirking. "He's so in love with you" he added causing you to smile lightly.

"Of course he is," you scoffed quietly, rolling your eyes as he raised an eyebrow at you.

"Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen him care this much about anything, or anyone for that matter," he shrugged and you felt your cheeks heat up as a blush begin to creep up your face.

"I thought I was going to hate him," you confessed, moving to sit on top of a near by fence. "I sort of wanted to detest him because it gave me a reason to hate my father," you added and now it was Robb's turn to scoff.

In the time that you had been in Winterfell, you had become close with the family it harboured, almost as if they had become a second family to you. Catelyn had helped you when you missed your mother. Eddard had sworn to protect you as if you were his own daughter. And Robb was the older, knuckle-head brother you had never had.

"He sent you half way around the world, isn't that enough for you to hate him?" he questioned causing you to chuckle.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you? But I've never been as happy as I am when I'm here with Theon and your family," you told him, watching as Theon reappeared at the door he had gone through. "If you don't mind, I think my husband is ready to scold me for being a fool," you joked, excusing yourself to quickly get up and go towards his now outstretched hand.

*Time Skip*

"I know you must be angry Theon, but I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be an issue," you told your husband softly, running your hands over his shoulders whilst he sat at his desk.

"I could have lost you," he sighed out heavily, pulling you around to sit in his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You'll never lose me, I promise," you whispered, pressing your forehead lightly against his and causing him to let out a small laugh.

"I love you," he chuckled lightly, pressing his lips to yours sweetly until you pulled away, moving to straddle his hips more comfortably.

"Prove it," you hummed, listening to his light groan, followed by another small chuckle that escaped his lips.

"Gods, you're perfect," he sighed as he scooped you up, throwing your down roughly on your bed and making you squeal in a mixture of fear and excitement.

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