Ramsay Bolton X Reader - Stronger (Requested)

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(A/N) - This imagine is based on the song 'Not Coming Home' by Maroon 5, which is one of my favourite songs. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Y/N, My Sweet," his slick voice shot through you, sending shivers down your spine as you tensed, expecting to feel his hands touching your skin as his words did, but the touch never came. "My Darling, are you not going to look upon my face? I would love to see yours," he uttered again. His voice made your skin crawl as it sunk in, it always had; it made you feel dirty, it made you want to scratch away the layers until you were free of it, until every last trace of him was gone from your body. You slowly turned to face him, his grin covering his face as he looked at your bruised face. His hand reached up, brushing lightly against the marks that covered your left cheekbone, the marks that stood out so clearly on your sickly pale skin. "Have you learned your lesson, My Love?" he asked as he looked over the purple and blue skin with clear interest, his hand gripping your chin to stop you from looking away from him.

"Yes, My Lord," you whimpered, attempting to stop the tears that wanted to fall. Ramsay hated crying, he thought it was irritating and would get angry when he heard the sobs coming from you.

"And what was your lesson?" he asked as he turned your head to the side a little further, letting his other hand drift over the painful skin, causing you to wince.

"I shouldn't cry when you have given me a gift, My Lord," you told him quietly and he smiled down at you as his hands fell from your face, coming instead to your stomach, letting his fingers sprawl out across your abdominal. You wanted to move away, you weren't yet sure if you were with child but it was likely you would be. Ramsay had spent his seed inside of you two nights before, wishing for a son to take his place when he was old. You had cried, hating the idea of growing another child like Ramsay in your belly, terrified of what the child could be like if he had any influence. And he had hit you, angered by your whimpering and shaking, telling you that this was a gift he had given you, and that you should be honoured that he wanted you to bare his child. The punch he had sent at your face didn't really hurt all that much, but it had caught you off guard, sending you flying across the room as you cradled your face.

"That is correct, My Pet, and what was your gift?" he asked as he played with a strand of your hair, twirling it around his fingers as he watched you, a smile dancing across his lips.

"You put a child in me, My Lord," you answered, your eyes watering but no tears actually escaping as you tried to calm yourself, being in such close proximity to him made you want to run, to just start moving and not stop until you were as far from him as you could get.

"I don't like having to hurt you, My Love, but you have to learn to obey my rules," he told you as he released the lock, allowing his hand to come back to your face, gently stroking your bruises with his fingers.

That evening, you found yourself wandering through the halls in silence, hoping to avoid Ramsay for as long as you could, when you found yourself automatically walking towards the stables. As you reached them you saw the beautiful gelding that you had been given as a gift by your father. He had died a little after you were wed to Ramsay and the horse was all you had left of him. You moved towards it, allowing it to rub its face against you, when you noticed that she was already fully saddled, only a rope holding her from running off into the night. You ran your hand over her mane, thinking about your options and when you looked over to the gate you saw it hanging open, with no guards anywhere near it, so you took your chance. You climbed onto your horse, untying her and making for the open gates.

When you made it through, you noticed the young kitchen helper sitting alone atop the battlements, and as you caught her eyes she gave you a short nod, which you quickly returned as you sped away down the gravel road towards your own home.

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