Loras Tyrell X Reader - Reluctant: Part three

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It had been months since you and Loras had been married, and you found that you were both quite happy living a quiet life in High Garden. Recently, his father had gone to join Margaery and Olenna in King's Landing, leaving Loras to rule whilst he was gone. However, Margaery's wedding to the King was quickly approaching and you would be expected to be there to witness it as part of her family. You had never been to King's Landing, and were nervous about meeting the new King. There had been talk of his cruelty towards the Starks and the painful punishments he had dished out to his last betrothed. You had met Lady Sansa's mother one summer when you were young, when Sansa was still a babe in the woman's arms, and you had been introduced to Robb. Deep down, you had supported his claim far more than the rumoured bastard King, and you were sad to hear of his death, though you could never say so. Any claim of such thoughts would end badly for both you and your husband, and it was not fair to put Margaery in that position with her soon to be husband.

"My Lady," your handmaiden spoke softly behind you and you hummed a light reply as you looked out of the windows you had once refused to open, taking in the beautiful sight of High garden before you were forced to leave it now that you had finally settled in. "Your husband is waiting downstairs for you, he says he wants to leave as soon as possible," she added, hovering waiting for a reply.

"I am almost ready, let him know I will be with him soon," you told her, refusing to take your eyes away from the view just yet. She nodded before hurrying out of the door and down the hall to pass on your message to Loras. A few minutes later you were still standing at the window when you heard the door open. "I'm just coming," you spoke and you heard your husband chuckle behind you.

"We must go soon or we will not make it before nightfall," Loras told you as he came to wrap his arms around you, looking over the view you had spent ages watching. "What are you doing up here anyway?" he asked as you leant your head back against his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss it whilst we are gone, I know I didn't like it to start with but it is home now," you told him as you started to relax into his arms more, feeling the laugh rumble through his chest where it was pressed into your back.

"It really is beautiful, isn't it?" he told you as he pulled away. "I hate to leave too, but Margaery would never forgive us if we don't go," he uttered, turning you to face him and quickly pressing his lips to yours. "It's a little over a month, and then we can come back home again," he finished taking your hand in his and pulling you towards the door to move you down to the courtyard.

"Have you met the king?" you asked him as you moved down the stairs, he didn't speak as he answered with a small nod. "Is he as horrid as they make him seem?" you asked again and he pulled you to a halt in the middle of the staircase.

"You shouldn't ask such questions, he is to be Margaery's husband," he told you shifting to move again, but you remained still, holding his arm to stop him from leaving.

"You didn't answer me. If he is as bad as they say he is then Margaery shouldn't be marrying him. He could hurt her," you told him and he shook his head at you. You could tell that your questions were making him frustrated but you needed these answers to keep yourself sane. "If you don't tell me someone else will," you told him and his grip shifted on your arm.

"Don't be ridiculous," he grunted before pausing. "He can be cruel, yes, but he will not hurt Margaery, and if he did he would not be King much longer," he whispered still noticing the worry in your face. "You need to stop asking questions or I won't be able to keep you safe in King's Landing. They will have people watching our every move. Do you understand?" he asked and you nodded softly not knowing what else to say.

"We'll be late if we don't leave soon," you mumbled gently as you dropped his hand to move down the few remaining steps and out through the large oak door to stand before your horse. As you were helped on to the mare's back you saw Loras coming through the doors, his eyes meeting yours. You weren't mad at him really, you understood that it was not his fault that you were going all this way to an unsafe city, but you were mad at the situation and at the idea that as soon as you left the walls of High Garden you would no longer be safe.

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