Stannis Baratheon X Tyrell!Reader - Duty: Part 4

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Soon after breakfast, the King and Queen left for Winterfell. Cersei gave you a long, tight hug before she left, leaving both of your husbands quite baffled as she was helped into the carriage by a footman. You smiled to yourself. There was no telling how much she would help your relationship with your husband by removing the fear that came with losing your virginity, and you were sure that she would be a friend you would enjoy seeing when you were forced to go to King's Landing in times to come. As the King joined his family in the carriage, Stannis came to stand beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple as you watched them pull away.

"What was that all about?" he asked, once the carriage had disappeared out of your sight. You raised an eyebrow in question at him and he chuckled. "Our Queen is not one to show kindness like that with anybody, especially not where others can see her, yet she hugged you like you were her long lost sister," he told you as he ushered you inside, using the arm wrapped around you to steer you through the halls.

"We had a talk, one woman to another, and she really helped me to see clearly," you told him before pausing. "The reason she is not kind to people is because they don't treat her like a person. She needed a friend," you finished and he looked at you with a worried look on his face.

"I'm glad that you are friends, but be careful. She can be cruel, and she wouldn't hesitate to be that way with you if you gave her reason," he told you, moving his hand to rub comfortingly up and down your spine.

You looked up at him in shock. "Don't treat me like a child Stannis. I know she may be a little rough around the edges but you ought to give her a chance, she was very nice and has given me some good advice," you told him, turning to stop in front of him and giving him a sweet kiss to the lips as his hand came up to cup your face, your own hands pressed into his broad chest.

He finally pulled away from you. "I'm not saying you can't be friends, just that you should be careful," he told you before kissing you lightly again and moving away, quickly walking down the hallway towards the great hall. You knew that he had business to attend to, so you left him be and went to your chambers to bathe.

*Time skip*

You were sitting in the bath tub, relaxing with your eyes closed as you hummed a little melody, thinking about what you would be doing that evening, when the door swung open. You shot into an upright position, trying to cover yourself as you shot your head towards your red faced husband. "I am so sorry, I should have knocked," he told you as he covered his eyes so that you could find some clothes. You quickly climbed out of the tub, walking towards your clothes but you paused changing course to go towards your husband's ridged form.

You stopped in front of him, moving your hair so that it fell over one shoulder, "You know" you to told him softly, "You can look at me." You smiled as you reached out, taking his hands away from his eyes and leaving them at his sides so that you could show him that you were being serious. "I am your wife, after all," you chuckled taking another step towards him as his eyes kept contact with yours.

"If I look I'm not certain that I would be able to keep my hands off of you," he stuttered out, watching as you smiled up at him. You reached out taking one of his hands in yours and pulling it towards you, you slowly placed it onto your chest, allowing him to feel the skin of your breast pressing into his palm and he groaned, "Sweetness," he growled his warning as you smiled up at him.

"Maybe I don't want you to keep your hands off of me any more," you told him but he was still  hesitant. "You love me?" you asked and Stannis gave you a quick nod, trying to stop his eyes from wandering. "And I love you, so maybe we should give it a try," you told him with a small shrug and his face turned from pained into a large smile. "Just please be gentle," you finished and he nodded once more.

"I love you" he told you quickly before moving to kiss your lips, his hand moving to your face as if on instinct. He let his other hand drop from your breast to move behind you, pressing into your lower back and pulling you to him as he kissed you softly, showing you how true his earlier statement was, he truly did love you.

You pulled away from his lips before moving him towards your bed, resting back on your elbows and watching him as he started to remove his own clothing, his eyes roaming over your naked body as he did. As soon as he was naked he climbed onto the bed with you, pressing kisses all over your body.

*Time skip*

You were laying in your bed, curled into Stannis' side, both as naked as the day you were born. His hand was running through you hair as you pressed soft kisses to his chest, your legs tangled together. He was staring down at your face when he finally spoke. "Gods, what did I do to deserve such a beautiful wife?" he asked before leaning down to press another kiss to your now smiling lips.

Cersei had been right; Stannis had been gentle with you. Love making, not fucking. You silently thanked the Gods, not only for your husband, but also for your new friend, who had given you the courage to do your duty to him.

"What are you thinking?" Stannis asked you, his handsome face looked content as he watched your own.

"I was thanking the Gods for bringing me you," you hummed, pausing before speaking again, "And thanking Cersei for being truthful when she told me it wouldn't be as bad as I had imagined," you added and his eyebrows shot up.

"So, that's what you were talking about," he muttered softly, "Maybe I should be thankful for that too then," he spoke again causing you to giggle and bury your face into his chest.

"I love you," you smiled up at him and he gently kissed you once more.

"I love you too," he smiled back, pressing his lips to yours more passionately. "Can I make love to you again?" he asked as he moved so that he hovered over you, still pressing kisses all over your face and neck, as you nodded enthusiastically at him.

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